Ellen Houghton

F, #120931, b. circa 1931


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Birthcirca 1931WA, USA
1950 US Census1950Yakima Indian Reservation, WA, USA, age 19, no occup. living with and niece of Ray and Luella Russ, 34 & 45, WA

William Arthur Bulley

M, #120932

Family: Judge Elaine Marie Houghton JD b. Mar 1949


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MarriageFeb, 1972Seattle, WA, USA

Donna Lee Houghton

F, #120933, b. circa 1947

Family: Virgil Roger Datzell


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Birthcirca 1947WA, USA
MarriageFeb 6, 1965Edmonds, WA, USA

Stephen R. Houghton

M, #120934, b. circa 1948

Family: Marianne H Toepper


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Birthcirca 1948WA, USA
MarriageFeb 9, 1974King Co., WA, USA
DivorceMay 17, 1991Yakima, WA, USA, 2 children

Virgil Roger Datzell

M, #120935

Family: Donna Lee Houghton b. c 1947


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MarriageFeb 6, 1965Edmonds, WA, USA

Marianne H Toepper

F, #120936

Family: Stephen R. Houghton b. c 1948


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MarriageFeb 9, 1974King Co., WA, USA
DivorceMay 17, 1991Yakima, WA, USA, 2 children

Shirley Houghton

F, #120937, b. circa 1943


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Birthcirca 1943WA, USA

Marilyn Houghton

F, #120938, b. circa 1944


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Birthcirca 1944WA, USA

Richard Houghton

M, #120939, b. circa 1946


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Birthcirca 1946WA, USA

Phyllis Marie Foster

F, #120940, b. circa 1932

Family: Allen Cecil Houghton b. 17 Jan 1929, d. 27 Sep 2015


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Birthcirca 1932WA, USA
1950 US Census1950King Co., WA, USA, age 21, lumber industry logger

Christy L. Houghton

F, #120941, b. circa 1948


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Birthcirca 1948WA, USA

Connie L. Houghton

F, #120942, b. January 1949


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BirthJan, 1949WA, USA

Colette Elaine Houghton

F, #120943, b. 16 August 1961

Family: Sheldon Dee Webb b. 20 Nov 1949


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BirthAug 16, 1961Richland, WA, USA
MarriageDec 25, 1971Unatilla, OR, USA

Sheldon Dee Webb

M, #120944, b. 20 November 1949

Family: Colette Elaine Houghton b. 16 Aug 1961


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BirthNov 20, 1949Salinas, CA, USA
MarriageDec 25, 1971Unatilla, OR, USA

Judine Elaine Houghton

F, #120945, b. circa 1943

Family: Joseph Alba

  • Marriage*: Judine Elaine Houghton married Joseph Alba on Aug 20, 1960.
  • Divorce*: Judine Elaine Houghton and Joseph Alba were divorced on Dec 4, 1978 at King Co., WA, USA, husband filed.


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Birthcirca 1943WA, USA
MarriageAug 20, 1960
DivorceDec 4, 1978King Co., WA, USA, husband filed

Joseph Alba

M, #120946

Family: Judine Elaine Houghton b. c 1943


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MarriageAug 20, 1960
DivorceDec 4, 1978King Co., WA, USA, husband filed

Hattie W. (?)

F, #120947, b. 7 October 1891, d. 20 April 1962

Family 2: Jesse Laurence Houghton b. 28 Dec 1895


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BirthOct 7, 1891Dexterville, WI, USA
MarriageFeb 21, 1948Kelso, WA, USA
1950 US Census1950Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Kitsap Co., WA, USA, age 54, supervisor machinist
ObituaryApr 20, 1962Mrs. Hattie Houghton Succumbs

Heart trouble which had hospitalized her 16 times in two years proved fatal this morning for Mrs. Hattieā€ W. Houghton, 70. Star Rte. 1, Box 112. She died in Harrison Memorial hospital where she had been ill since April 10. An ardent fisherwoman, she often had fished.for salmon with her husband, Jesse L. Houghton, retired shop 38 employe who i worked at Puget Sound naval shipyard for 37 years.The couple was married Feb.21, 1948, at Kelso. Born Oct. 7. 1891. at Dexter- ville. Wis., she had accompanied her family to Oregon as a girl. She resided in Seattle until moving to Kitsap county more than 40 years ago. Her original home here was near Kitsap lake but she had lived at the same star route address the past 40 years. She was a member of Bremerton Ladies of Elks. Surviving, in addition to her husband, are a son. Clayton L. Sprungman of the home address, and two nieces at Kelso. Services will be 1 p.m. Tuesday at Lewis chapel, the Rev. Wilbur W. Scafe officiating. Interment will be at Forest Lawn cemetery.
DeathApr 20, 1962

Clayton L. Sprungman

M, #120948


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Theresa Marie Houghton

F, #120949, b. 2 March 1931, d. 7 November 2006


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BirthMar 2, 1931
DeathNov 7, 2006
BurialWildwood Cemetery, Williamsport, Lycoming Co., PA, USA

Grace (?)

F, #120950

Family: Earl F. Houghton b. 10 Sep 1917, d. 15 Nov 1975


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Vern Ray Mark

M, #120951

Family: Jeanne Nuelle Houghton b. 13 Jan 1929, d. 29 Dec 1997


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Sally Ann Houghton

F, #120952, b. circa 1942


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Birthcirca 1942WA, USA

Thomas Houghton

M, #120953

Family: Jane Ardess


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Jane Ardess

F, #120954

Family: Thomas Houghton


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Phillip Beck

M, #120955, b. 1897, d. 1975

Family: Edna Yuenella Underwood b. 5 Sep 1897, d. 22 Jul 1986


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MarriageJun 28, 1963Boise, ID, USA

Betty J. Thompson

F, #120956, b. circa 1922

Family: Claude Houghton Jr b. 16 Aug 1920, d. 25 Jan 2010


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Birthcirca 1922WA, USA
MarriageSep 3, 1943Seattle, WA, USA
1950 US Census1950King Co., WA, USA, age 29, gas station attendent

Richard A. Houghton

M, #120957, b. circa 1946


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Birthcirca 1946WA, USA

Gayle A. Houghton

F, #120958, b. circa 1948


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Birthcirca 1948WA, USA

Betty J. O'Keefe

F, #120959, b. circa 1921

Family: Curtis Justin Houghton b. 21 Sep 1920, d. 26 Aug 1977


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Birthcirca 1921ID, USA
MarriageNov 7, 1941
1950 US Census1950King Co., WA, USA

Mary Ann Clark

F, #120960, b. circa 1943

Family: Curtis Justin Houghton Jr b. c 1943, d. 9 Jun 2015


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Birthcirca 1943Cleveland, OH, USA
MarriageOct 9, 1971
DivorceDec 8, 1975King Co., WA, USA