Person Page 290

Joost van Leeuwen

Male, #7226, Deceased

Family: Areke ver Steeg (1827-1908)

Biographical Details

1851Marr-PartnersJoost van Leeuwen married Areke ver Steeg on 22 May 1851 in Vuren, Gelderland, Netherlands.
1908Death of SpouseHis wife, Areke ver Steeg, died in 1908.
Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Harriet Gerritje van Stoutenburg

Female, #7227, Deceased, b. 23 February 1839, d. 22 May 1912

Family: Jan Aries ver Steeg (1837-1899)

Biographical Details

1839BirthHarriet Gerritje van Stoutenburg was born on 23 February 1839 in Rhenen, Utrecht, Netherlands.1
1858Marr-PartnersShe married Jan Aries ver Steeg on 5 November 1858 in Marion County, Iowa.
1899Death of SpouseHer husband, Jan Aries ver Steeg, died on 20 January 1899 in Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon.
1912DeathShe died of a hip fracture and "old age" on 22 May 1912 in Amity, Oregon.2
1912BurialShe was buried on 24 May 1912 in Hopewell Cemetery in Amity, Yamhill County, Oregon.2


  1. Death Certificate, Oregon Cert. #1733, Date: 22 MAY 1912
  2. Death Certificate, Oregon Cert. #1733 (Harriette Versteeg), Date: 22 MAY 1912
Last Edited 22 July 2023 09:42:56

Huig Sijnhorst

Male, #7228, Deceased, b. 4 December 1837, d. 24 August 1881

Family: Jannigje ver Steeg (1842-1909)

Biographical Details

1837BirthHuig Sijnhorst was born on 4 December 1837 in Noordeloos, Zuid Holland, Netherlands.
1859Marr-PartnersHe married Jannigje ver Steeg on 13 April 1859 in Marion County, Iowa.
1881BurialHe was buried in 1881 in Orange City, Iowa.
1881DeathHe died on 24 August 1881 in Orange City, Iowa.
1909Death of SpouseHis wife, Jannigje ver Steeg, died on 21 January 1909 in Orange City, Iowa.
Last Edited 3 April 2023 05:56:11

Dirk Vander Meer

Male, #7229, Deceased, b. 24 January 1828, d. 13 June 1917

Family: Jannigje ver Steeg (1842-1909)

Biographical Details

1828BirthDirk Vander Meer was born on 24 January 1828 in Overschie, South Holland, Netherlands.
1882Marr-PartnersHe married Jannigje ver Steeg on 23 November 1882 in Orange City, Iowa.
1909Death of SpouseHis wife, Jannigje ver Steeg, died on 21 January 1909 in Orange City, Iowa.
1917DeathHe died on 13 June 1917 in Orange City, Iowa.
1917BurialHe was buried on 16 June 1917 in West Lawn Cemetery in Sioux County, Iowa.
Last Edited 3 April 2023 05:56:11

Henrietta Maria Wigny

Female, #7230, Deceased, b. 30 May 1838, d. 19 April 1922

Family: Jacob ver Steeg (1834-)

Biographical Details

1838BirthHenrietta Maria Wigny was born on 30 May 1838 in Dordrecht, South Holland, Netherlands.
1862Marr-PartnersShe married Jacob ver Steeg on 17 February 1862 in Marion County, Iowa.
1922BurialShe was buried in 1922 in Orange City, Iowa.
1922DeathShe died on 19 April 1922.
Last Edited 3 April 2023 05:56:11

Jan Vis

Male, #7231, Deceased, b. 1831, d. 15 November 1876

Family: Elisabeth ver Steeg (1832-1894)

Biographical Details

1831BirthJan Vis was born in 1831.
1851Marr-PartnersHe married Elisabeth ver Steeg on 5 July 1851 in Vuren, Gelderland, Netherlands.
1876DeathHe died on 15 November 1876 in Delfshaven, South Holland, Netherlands.
1894Death of SpouseHis wife, Elisabeth ver Steeg, died on 24 November 1894 in Leerdam, South Holland, Netherlands.
Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Gertrude Visser

Female, #7232, Deceased, b. 24 August 1835, d. 7 February 1917

Family: Nickolas ver Steeg (1829-1899)

Biographical Details

1835BirthGertrude Visser was born on 24 August 1835 in Poortugaal, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands.
1856Marr-PartnersShe married Nickolas ver Steeg on 19 July 1856 in Marion County, Iowa.
1899Death of SpouseHer husband, Nickolas ver Steeg, died on 14 July 1899 in Pella, Marion County, Iowa.
1917DeathShe died on 7 February 1917 in Lake Prairie Township, Marion County, Iowa.
1917BurialShe was buried on 9 February 1917 in Graceland Cemetery in Pella, Marion County, Iowa.
Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Johannes Hoeman

Male, #7233, Deceased, b. October 1858, d. 13 March 1936

Family: Ida Den Hartog (1848-1936)

Biographical Details

1858BirthJohannes Hoeman was born in October 1858 in Holland.
1901Marr-PartnersHe married Ida Den Hartog on 21 March 1901 at Oakwood Cemetery in Pella, Marion County, Iowa.
1936DeathHe died on 13 March 1936 in Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa.
1936Death of SpouseHis wife, Ida Den Hartog, died on 28 May 1936 in Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa.
Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Albert Gosselink

Male, #7234, Deceased, b. 7 January 1836, d. 18 August 1916

Family: Ida Den Hartog (1848-1936)

Biographical Details

1836BirthAlbert Gosselink was born on 7 January 1836 in Steenderen, Steenderen, Gelderland, Netherlands.
1867Marr-PartnersHe married Ida Den Hartog on 20 November 1867 in Mahaska, Iowa.
1916DeathHe died on 18 August 1916 at Oakwood Cemetery in Pella, Marion County, Iowa.
1936Death of SpouseHis wife, Ida Den Hartog, died on 28 May 1936 in Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa.
Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Annigje Verhoef

Female, #7235, Deceased, b. 12 August 1851, d. 7 August 1901

Family: Jan Den Hartog (1850-1922)

Biographical Details

BurialAnnigje Verhoef was buried in Orange City, Iowa.
1851BirthShe was born on 12 August 1851 in Vianen, Zuid Holland, Netherlands.
1872Marr-PartnersShe married Jan Den Hartog on 17 September 1872 at Oakwood Cemetery in Pella, Marion County, Iowa.
1901DeathShe died on 7 August 1901 in Orange City, Iowa.
1922Death of SpouseHer husband, Jan Den Hartog, died on 26 April 1922 in Hospers, Sioux City, Iowa.
Last Edited 3 April 2023 05:56:11

Handrik Vandermier

Male, #7236, Deceased, b. 1825, d. 2 February 1899

Family: Cornelia ver Steeg (1835-)

Biographical Details

1825BirthHandrik Vandermier was born in 1825 in Netherlands.
1866Marr-PartnersHe married Cornelia ver Steeg on 5 January 1866 at Oakwood Cemetery in Pella, Marion County, Iowa.
1899DeathHe died on 2 February 1899 at Oakwood Cemetery in Pella, Marion County, Iowa.
Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Dirk Van Os

Male, #7237, Deceased, b. 4 September 1829

Family: Cornelia ver Steeg (1835-)

Biographical Details

DeathDirk Van Os died at Oakwood Cemetery in Pella, Marion County, Iowa.
1829BirthHe was born on 4 September 1829 in Poederoijen, Gelderland, Netherlands.
1857Marr-PartnersHe married Cornelia ver Steeg on 21 March 1857 in Marion County, Iowa.
Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Gerhard Nicolaus "Gerrit" Boland

Male, #7238, Deceased, b. 1 March 1839, d. 9 January 1915

Family: Neeltje "Nellie" ver Steeg (1841-1926)

Biographical Details

1839BirthGerhard Nicolaus "Gerrit" Boland was born on 1 March 1839 in Bocholtz, Simpelveld, Limburg, Netherlands.
1839ChristeningHe was christened on 10 March 1839 in Bocholt, Westfalen, Prussia, at a local Protestant church, probably Lutheran.
1862Marr-PartnersHe married Neeltje "Nellie" ver Steeg on 18 December 1862 in Marion, Linn County, Iowa.
1915BurialHe was buried in 1915 in Oakwood Cemetery in Pella, Marion County, Iowa.
1915DeathHe died on 9 January 1915 at Oakwood Cemetery in Pella, Marion County, Iowa.
1926Death of SpouseHis wife, Neeltje "Nellie" ver Steeg, died on 7 January 1926 in Pella, Marion County, Iowa.
Last Edited 3 March 2025 13:13:11

Grietje ver Hoef

Female, #7239, Deceased, b. 26 December 1848, d. 30 January 1922

Family: Arie ver Steeg (1844-1915)

Biographical Details

BurialGrietje ver Hoef was buried in Sheridan Township Cemetery in Boyden, Sioux County, Iowa.
1848BirthShe was born on 26 December 1848 in Vianen, Zuid Holland, Netherlands.
1872Marr-PartnersShe married Arie ver Steeg on 18 March 1872 in Marion County, Iowa.
1915Death of SpouseHer husband, Arie ver Steeg, died on 14 May 1915 in Sheridan Township, Sioux County, Iowa.
1922DeathShe died on 30 January 1922 in Sioux County, Iowa.
Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Cathalina Vanhelden

Female, #7240, Deceased, b. 10 November 1836, d. 20 October 1922

Family: Kryn ver Steeg (1830-1915)

Biographical Details

BurialCathalina Vanhelden was buried in Pella, Marion County, Iowa.
1836BirthShe was born on 10 November 1836 in Numansdorp, South Holland, Netherlands.
1859Marr-PartnersShe married Kryn ver Steeg on 9 November 1859 in Marion, Linn County, Iowa.
1915Death of SpouseHer husband, Kryn ver Steeg, died on 24 December 1915 in Pella, Marion County, Iowa.
1922DeathShe died on 20 October 1922 at Oakwood Cemetery in Pella, Marion County, Iowa.
Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Linda J. Johnson

Female, #7241, Living

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

George Ras, III

Male, #7242, Living


RelationshipsSon of George Ras, Jr.,

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Janae Marie Parret

Female, #7243, Living

Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Anna Iwersen

Female, #7244, Deceased, b. 9 April 1810

Family: Hans Jensen

Daughter*Margretha Jensen + (1844-1922)

Relationships3rd great-grandmother of Mollie Jenks Edson
5th great-grandmother of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Biographical Details

1810BirthAnna Iwersen was born on 9 April 1810 in Fruerlund, Flensburg, Germany.
1844Birth of ChildHer daughter, Margretha Jensen, was born in November 1844 in Wittbeck, Schleswig, Germany.
Last Edited 4 November 2023 08:22:12

Sybren Bouma

Male, #7245, Deceased, b. 5 August 1862, d. 14 October 1952

Family: Brechtje Siedses Schilstra (1860-1941)

Son*Hantje "Henry" Bouma + (1891-1983)

RelationshipsGreat-grandfather of George Ras, Jr.,

Biographical Details

1862BirthSybren Bouma was born on 5 August 1862 in Sneek, Sudwest Fryslan Municipality, Friesland, Netherlands.1
1886Marr-PartnersHe married Brechtje Siedses Schilstra in 1886 in Holland.2,3
1891Birth of ChildHis son, Hantje "Henry" Bouma, was born on 18 August 1891 in Sneek, Friesland, Netherlands.
1941Death of SpouseHis wife, Brechtje Siedses Schilstra, died on 29 December 1941 in Orange City, Iowa.
1952DeathSybren Bouma died fell down a stairway on 14 October 1952 in Edgerton, Pipestone County, Minnesota.2
1952BurialHe was buried on 17 October 1952 in Orange City Cemetery in Orange City, Iowa.2


  1. Netherland Birth Index, 1784-1917,
  2. Find A Grave database, Online:, Memorial #111203213
  3. Netherlands Civil Marriage Index, 1795-1950,
Last Edited 3 April 2023 05:56:11

Brechtje Siedses Schilstra

Female, #7246, Deceased, b. 21 December 1860, d. 29 December 1941


Father*Sieds Harmens Schilstra (1829-1867)
Mother*Jetske Hilbrands Boschma (1828-1912)

Family: Sybren Bouma (1862-1952)

Son*Hantje "Henry" Bouma + (1891-1983)

RelationshipsGreat-grandmother of George Ras, Jr.,

Biographical Details

NameBrechtje Siedses Schilstra was also known as Brechtje Bouma.
1860BirthShe was born on 21 December 1860 in Idzega, Friesland, Netherlands.
1867Death of ParentHer father, Sieds Harmens Schilstra, died on 19 November 1867 in Wymbritseradeel, Friesland, Netherlands.
1886Marr-PartnersShe married Sybren Bouma in 1886 in Holland.1,2
1891Birth of ChildHer son, Hantje "Henry" Bouma, was born on 18 August 1891 in Sneek, Friesland, Netherlands.
1912Death of ParentHer mother, Jetske Hilbrands Boschma, died on 6 October 1912 in Sneek, Friesland, Netherlands.
1941DeathBrechtje Siedses Schilstra died on 29 December 1941 in Orange City, Iowa.1
1952Death of SpouseHer husband, Sybren Bouma, died on 14 October 1952 in Edgerton, Pipestone County, Minnesota.


  1. Find A Grave database, Online:, Memorial #111203213
  2. Netherlands Civil Marriage Index, 1795-1950,
Last Edited 3 April 2023 05:56:11

Sieds Harmens Schilstra

Male, #7247, Deceased, b. 24 August 1829, d. 19 November 1867


Father*Harmen Siedzes Schilstra (1804-1869)
Mother*Bregtje Thijsses Jaarsma (1806-1873)

Family: Jetske Hilbrands Boschma (1828-1912)

Daughter*Brechtje Siedses Schilstra + (1860-1941)

Relationships2nd great-grandfather of George Ras, Jr.,

Biographical Details

DivorceSieds Harmens Schilstra and Jetske Hilbrands Boschma were divorced.
1829BirthHe was born on 24 August 1829 in Ysbrechtum, Friesland, Netherlands.
1852Marr-PartnersHe married Jetske Hilbrands Boschma on 1 May 1852 in Wijmbritseradeel, Friesland, Netherlands.
1860Birth of ChildHis daughter, Brechtje Siedses Schilstra, was born on 21 December 1860 in Idzega, Friesland, Netherlands.
1867DeathHe died on 19 November 1867 in Wymbritseradeel, Friesland, Netherlands.
1869Death of ParentHis father, Harmen Siedzes Schilstra, died on 5 October 1869 in Doniawerstal, Friesland, Netherlands.
1873Death of ParentHis mother, Bregtje Thijsses Jaarsma, died on 3 September 1873 in Ysbrechtum, Friesland, Netherlands.
1912Death of SpouseHis wife, Jetske Hilbrands Boschma, died on 6 October 1912 in Sneek, Friesland, Netherlands.
Last Edited 5 June 2023 07:28:33

Jetske Hilbrands Boschma

Female, #7248, Deceased, b. 5 April 1828, d. 6 October 1912


Father*Hilbrand Rintjes Boschma (1806-1869)
Mother*Anneke Sijtses Osinga (1809-1875)

Family 1: Keimpe Rinks Groenveld (1828-1895)

Family 2: Sieds Harmens Schilstra (1829-1867)

Daughter*Brechtje Siedses Schilstra + (1860-1941)

Relationships2nd great-grandmother of George Ras, Jr.,

Biographical Details

DivorceSieds Harmens Schilstra and Jetske Hilbrands Boschma were divorced.
1828BirthShe was born on 5 April 1828 in Oudega, Friesland, Netherlands.
1852Marr-PartnersShe married Sieds Harmens Schilstra on 1 May 1852 in Wijmbritseradeel, Friesland, Netherlands.
1860Birth of ChildHer daughter, Brechtje Siedses Schilstra, was born on 21 December 1860 in Idzega, Friesland, Netherlands.
1867Death of SpouseHer husband, Sieds Harmens Schilstra, died on 19 November 1867 in Wymbritseradeel, Friesland, Netherlands.
1869Death of ParentHer father, Hilbrand Rintjes Boschma, died on 17 February 1869 in Folsgare, Friesland, Netherlands.
1875Death of ParentHer mother, Anneke Sijtses Osinga, died on 31 January 1875 in Oosthem, Friesland, Netherlands.
1895Death of PartnerHer partner, Keimpe Rinks Groenveld, died on 23 February 1895 in Wymbritseradeel, Friesland, Netherlands.
1912DeathJetske Hilbrands Boschma died on 6 October 1912 in Sneek, Friesland, Netherlands.
Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51

Keimpe Rinks Groenveld

Male, #7249, Deceased, b. 3 November 1828, d. 23 February 1895

Family: Jetske Hilbrands Boschma (1828-1912)

Biographical Details

1828BirthKeimpe Rinks Groenveld was born on 3 November 1828 in Heeg, Friesland, Netherlands.
1895DeathHe died on 23 February 1895 in Wymbritseradeel, Friesland, Netherlands.
1912Death of PartnerHis partner, Jetske Hilbrands Boschma, died on 6 October 1912 in Sneek, Friesland, Netherlands.
Last Edited 23 February 2023 09:37:51