Nine Generations

Idesa Jakubowicz

Female, #5901, Deceased, b. 1890, d. about 1942


Family: Avraham Kamiński (1888-about 1943)

Son*Eliezer Icek Kamiński (1913-after 1987)

Biographical Details

BirthIdesa Jakubowicz was also known as Yehudit Jakubowicz.
MarriedShe was also known as Idesa Kamiński.
1890BirthShe was born in 1890 in Bogdanov, Lodz, Poland.1
1913Birth of ChildHer son, Eliezer Icek Kamiński, was born in 1913.
Marr-PartnersShe married Avraham Kamiński.1
About 1942DeathShe died about 1942 at Treblinka Extermination Camp in Poland.1
About 1943Death of SpouseHer husband, Avraham Kamiński, died about 1943 in Leipzig, Germany.


  1. Yad Vashem Page of Testimony, online \\., Page of Tesimony 1773940, submitted by Eliezer Kaminski
Last Edited2 November 2023 13:13:20

Mordka Rosenblum

Male, #5902, Deceased

Family: Numa Zalbman

Son*Josef Rosenblum + (1891-between 1940 and 1945)

Last Edited23 February 2023 09:37:51

Numa Zalbman

Female, #5903, Deceased

Family: Mordka Rosenblum

Son*Josef Rosenblum + (1891-between 1940 and 1945)

Last Edited23 February 2023 09:37:51

Szmul Zajnwel Jankelewicz

Male, #5904, Deceased, b. about 1873, d. 1942


Father*Sana Jankelewicz (1841-)
Mother*Fayga Maria Izraelowicz (about 1833-)

Family: Cypojra Kojfer (about 1877-)

Son*Szulim Gedalia Jankelewicz (1903-)

Relationships1st cousin 3 times removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
1st cousin 3 times removed of Eric Stephen Leber
1st cousin 3 times removed of Boris Leber
1st cousin 5 times removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesJankelewicz Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

About 1873BirthSzmul Zajnwel Jankelewicz was born about 1873 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.1
1896Marr-PartnersHe married Cypojra Kojfer on 18 February 1896 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.2
1903Birth of ChildHis son, Szulim Gedalia Jankelewicz, was born in 1903 in Poland.
1942DeathSzmul Zajnwel Jankelewicz died in 1942 at Treblinka Extermination Camp in Poland.3


  1. Polish Marriage Record, Akta 10, Piotrków BMD, Registered Feb 19, 1896 (Viewmate #98723)
  2. Marriage Index, JRI Piotrków index, Akta 10, 1896
  3. Yad Vashem Page of Testimony, online \\., Item ID 1659771
Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Cypojra Kojfer

Female, #5905, Deceased, b. about 1877


Father*Janas Kojfer (1831-)
Mother*Chana Leber

Family: Szmul Zajnwel Jankelewicz (about 1873-1942)

Son*Szulim Gedalia Jankelewicz (1903-)

Charts and other referencesJankelewicz Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

About 1877BirthCypojra Kojfer was born about 1877 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.1
1896Marr-PartnersShe married Szmul Zajnwel Jankelewicz on 18 February 1896 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.2
1903Birth of ChildHer son, Szulim Gedalia Jankelewicz, was born in 1903 in Poland.
1942Death of SpouseHer husband, Szmul Zajnwel Jankelewicz, died in 1942 in Poland.


  1. Polish Marriage Record, Akta 10, Piotrków BMD, Registered Feb 19, 1896 (Cypora Kojfer & Szmul Zajnwel Jankelewicz)(Viewmate #98723), Date: ABT 1877
  2. Marriage Index, JRI Piotrków index, Akta 10, 1896
Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Szmul Jankelewicz

Male, #5906, Deceased, b. 1896


Father*Hershlik Jankelewicz (1866-)
Mother*Chaia Gendla Goldschmid (1872-1935)

Family: Fradla Leja Dankiewicz (1896-)

Relationships2nd cousin 2 times removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
2nd cousin 2 times removed of Eric Stephen Leber
2nd cousin 2 times removed of Boris Leber
2nd cousin 4 times removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesJankelewicz Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

1896BirthSzmul Jankelewicz was born in 1896 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.1
1922Marr-PartnersHe married Fradla Leja Dankiewicz in 1922 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1935Death of ParentHis mother, Chaia Gendla Goldschmid, died in 1935 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.


  1. Jewish Genealogy, Piotrków 1908-42 BMD Spreadsheet, Privately circulated, Marriage sheet, lines 16 & 17
Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Fradla Leja Dankiewicz

Female, #5907, Deceased, b. 1896


Family: Szmul Jankelewicz (1896-)

Charts and other referencesJankelewicz Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

1896BirthFradla Leja Dankiewicz was born in 1896 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1922Marr-PartnersShe married Szmul Jankelewicz in 1922 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Moszek Majer Dankiewicz

Male, #5908, Deceased

Last Edited23 February 2023 09:37:51

Hena Dwojra Niedźwiecka

Female, #5909, Deceased

Last Edited23 February 2023 09:37:51

Sura Gitla Fizycka

Female, #5910, Deceased, b. 1879


Family: Moszek Jankelewicz (1868-1935)

Relationships1st cousin 3 times removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
1st cousin 3 times removed of Eric Stephen Leber
1st cousin 3 times removed of Boris Leber
1st cousin 5 times removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesJankelewicz Descendancy Chart (#1); Jankelewicz Descendancy Chart (#2)

Biographical Details

1879BirthSura Gitla Fizycka was born in 1879 in Gowarczów, Poland.
1924Marr-PartnersShe married Moszek Jankelewicz in 1924 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland. Moszek and Sura were first cousins.1
1935Death of SpouseHer husband, Moszek Jankelewicz, died on 6 December 1935 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.


  1. Jewish Genealogy, Piotrków 1908-42 BMD Spreadsheet, Privately circulated, Marriage sheet, lines 18 & 19
Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Israel Icek Fizycka

Male, #5911, Deceased

Family: Udla Jankelewicz (1847-)

Daughter*Sura Gitla Fizycka (1879-)

Charts and other referencesJankelewicz Descendancy Chart

Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Abram Zalmen Hajman

Male, #5912, Deceased

Family: Ruchla Laja Miodownik

Son*Ojzer Hajman (1906-1943)

Last Edited23 February 2023 09:37:51

Ruchla Laja Miodownik

Female, #5913, Deceased

Family: Abram Zalmen Hajman

Son*Ojzer Hajman (1906-1943)

Last Edited23 February 2023 09:37:51

Elja Najman

Male, #5914, Deceased, b. 1906, d. 1942


Family: Chana Jankelewicz (1911-about 1943)

Charts and other referencesJankelewicz Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

1906BirthElja Najman was born in 1906 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1935Marr-PartnersHe married Chana Jankelewicz in 1935 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1942DeathHe died in 1942 at Treblinka Extermination Camp in Poland.1
About 1943Death of SpouseHis wife, Chana Jankelewicz, died about 1943 in Lublin, Poland.


  1. Yad Vashem Page of Testimony, online \\., Item ID 1713569
Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Majer Najman

Male, #5915, Deceased

Family: Chaja Sura Pinkoszewicz

Son*Elja Najman (1906-1942)

Last Edited23 February 2023 09:37:51

Chaja Sura Pinkoszewicz

Female, #5916, Deceased

Family: Majer Najman

Son*Elja Najman (1906-1942)

Last Edited23 February 2023 09:37:51

Bina Laja Szpiro

Female, #5917, Deceased


Daughter*Pesa Malka Szpiro (1911-)

Last Edited23 February 2023 09:37:51

Izrael Lejb Lewkowicz

Male, #5918, Deceased

Family: Ita Jakubowicz

Son*Simcha Lewkowicz (1904-)

Last Edited23 February 2023 09:37:51

Ita Jakubowicz

Female, #5919, Deceased

Last Edited23 February 2023 09:37:51

Izrael Wolf Leber

Male, #5920, Deceased, b. 1915


Father*Berysz Leber (1881-1942)
Mother*Ruchla Lasman

Relationships2nd cousin 1 time removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
2nd cousin 1 time removed of Harry Maxim Lieber
1st cousin 1 time removed of Eric Stephen Leber
1st cousin 1 time removed of Boris Leber
2nd cousin 3 times removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesLeber/Lieberman Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

1915BirthIzrael Wolf Leber was born in 1915 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1942Death of ParentHis father, Berysz Leber, died in 1942 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11