Nine Generations

Amy Eunice Glotzer

Amy Eunice Glotzer
Female, #1801, Living


Relationships2nd cousin 1 time removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
3rd cousin 1 time removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesGlotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart

Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Joslin Brooke Cartmill

Joslin Cartmill Glotzer
Female, #1802, Living

Charts and other referencesGlotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart

Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Ava Grace Glotzer

Ava Grace Glotzer
Female, #1803, Living


Relationships2nd cousin 2 times removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
4th cousin of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesGlotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart

Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Belen Nicole Glotzer

Belen Nicole Glotzer
Female, #1804, Living


Relationships2nd cousin 2 times removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
4th cousin of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesGlotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart

Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Knud Daniel Holst

Knud Holst
Male, #1805, Living

Charts and other referencesGlotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart

Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Luna Daniela Holst

Female, #1806, Living


Relationships2nd cousin 2 times removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
4th cousin of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesGlotzer: Glotzer, Grantz, Guterman, Garfinkiel, & Chomentowski Descendancy Chart

Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Pauline Jankelewicz

Female, #1807, Deceased, b. estimated 1896, d. between 1941 and 1945


Father*Juda Wolf Jankelewicz (1863-)
Mother*Pessa Rochel Zigelman (about 1861-estimated 1896)

Relationships1st cousin 2 times removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
1st cousin 2 times removed of Eric Stephen Leber
1st cousin 2 times removed of Boris Leber
1st cousin 4 times removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesJankelewicz Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

Estimated 1896BirthPauline Jankelewicz was born estimated 1896.1
Estimated 1896Death of ParentHer mother, Pessa Rochel Zigelman, died estimated 1896.
DeathPauline Jankelewicz died between 1941 and 1945.1


  1. Telephone Interview, Marcia Liss & RCJ, 23 Feb 2011
Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Infant Jacobs

Gender unknown, #1808, Deceased, b. 1928, d. 1928


Father*Max Jacobs (1893-1965)
Mother*Anna Teitelman (1900-1996)

Relationships2nd cousin 1 time removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
2nd cousin 1 time removed of Eric Stephen Leber
2nd cousin 1 time removed of Boris Leber
2nd cousin 3 times removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesJankelewicz Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

1928BirthInfant Jacobs was born in 1928.1
1928DeathHe/she was stillborn in 1928 in New York.1
1965Death of ParentHis/her father, Max Jacobs, died on 18 October 1965 in New York City.
1996Death of ParentHis/her mother, Anna Teitelman, died in 1996 in Brooklyn, New York.


  1. Telephone Interview, Marcia Liss & RCJ, 23 Feb 2011
Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Szmul Zalman Sadt

Male, #1810, Deceased, b. December 1896, d. 26 June 1898


Father*Jacob Chenoch Sadt (1871-)
Mother*Drezla Wald (1869-)

Relationships2nd cousin 1 time removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
2nd cousin 1 time removed of Eric Stephen Leber
2nd cousin 1 time removed of Boris Leber
2nd cousin 3 times removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Biographical Details

1896BirthSzmul Zalman Sadt was born in December 1896 in Poland.1
1898DeathHe died on 26 June 1898 in Łódź, Poland.1


  1. Polish Death Record, Szmul Zalman Sadt, Polish State Archives, Fond 1568, Akta 588, registered 28 Jun 1898, Death registered in Lodz June 28, 1898 of Szmul Zalman SADT, 1 year, 6 months, son of Jakob Chenoch and Drezla WALD from Petrokow gubernia, died June 26
Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Jacob Chenoch Sadt

Male, #1811, Deceased, b. 1871


Father*Alter Sadt (1849-)
Mother*Tserka Lifcha Zelinksy (1850-)

Family: Drezla Wald (1869-)

Son*Szmul Zalman Sadt (1896-1898)

Relationships1st cousin 2 times removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
1st cousin 2 times removed of Eric Stephen Leber
1st cousin 2 times removed of Boris Leber
1st cousin 4 times removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Biographical Details

OccupationJacob Chenoch Sadt was a trader in Srock, Poland.1
1871BirthHe was born in 1871 in Srock, Poland.1
1893Marr-PartnersHe married Drezla Wald on 16 June 1893 in Tuszyn, Poland.2,3
1896Birth of ChildHis son, Szmul Zalman Sadt, was born in December 1896 in Poland.
1898Death of ChildHis son, Szmul Zalman Sadt, died on 26 June 1898 in Łódź, Poland.


  1. Polish Marriage Record, Jankel Chenoch Sat & Drezla Wald, Polish State Archive Lódz, Fond 1703 Akta 13, Marriage registered in Tuszyn June 16, 1893 of Jankew Chenech SAT, 22, trader from Serock, Podolin, son of Alter and Lifsza ZICHLINSKI to Drezla WALD, 24, from Serock, Podolin, daughter of Dawid and Michla Pessa RUSS
  2. Polish Death Record, Szmul Zalman Sadt, Polish State Archives, Fond 1568, Akta 588, registered 28 Jun 1898, Death registered in Lodz June 28, 1898 of Szmul Zalman SADT, 1 year, 6 months, son of Jakob Chenoch and Drezla WALD from Petrokow gubernia, died June 26
  3. Polish Marriage Record, Jankel Sat & Drezla Wald, Polish State Archives Lodz Fond 1703, Akta 13, Marriage registered in Tuszyn June 16, 1893 of Jankew Chenech SAT, 22, trader from Serock, Podolin, son of Alter and Lifsza ZICHLINSKI to Drezla WALD, 24, from Serock, Podolin, daughter of Dawid and Michla Pessa RUSS
Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Drezla Wald

Female, #1812, Deceased, b. 1869


Family: Jacob Chenoch Sadt (1871-)

Son*Szmul Zalman Sadt (1896-1898)

Biographical Details

NameDrezla Wald was also known as Drezla Sadt.1
1869BirthShe was born in 1869 in Srock, Poland.1
1893Marr-PartnersShe married Jacob Chenoch Sadt on 16 June 1893 in Tuszyn, Poland.2,3
1896Birth of ChildHer son, Szmul Zalman Sadt, was born in December 1896 in Poland.
1898Death of ChildHer son, Szmul Zalman Sadt, died on 26 June 1898 in Łódź, Poland.


  1. Polish Marriage Record, Jankel Chenoch Sat & Drezla Wald, Polish State Archive Lódz, Fond 1703 Akta 13, Marriage registered in Tuszyn June 16, 1893 of Jankew Chenech SAT, 22, trader from Serock, Podolin, son of Alter and Lifsza ZICHLINSKI to Drezla WALD, 24, from Serock, Podolin, daughter of Dawid and Michla Pessa RUSS
  2. Polish Death Record, Szmul Zalman Sadt, Polish State Archives, Fond 1568, Akta 588, registered 28 Jun 1898, Death registered in Lodz June 28, 1898 of Szmul Zalman SADT, 1 year, 6 months, son of Jakob Chenoch and Drezla WALD from Petrokow gubernia, died June 26
  3. Polish Marriage Record, Jankel Sat & Drezla Wald, Polish State Archives Lodz Fond 1703, Akta 13, Marriage registered in Tuszyn June 16, 1893 of Jankew Chenech SAT, 22, trader from Serock, Podolin, son of Alter and Lifsza ZICHLINSKI to Drezla WALD, 24, from Serock, Podolin, daughter of Dawid and Michla Pessa RUSS
Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Frymeta Gelbard

Female, #1814, Deceased, b. March 1852, d. 23 May 1852


Father*Icek Gelbard (1820-1872)
Mother*Bluma Fajwis (1826-)

Relationships1st cousin 3 times removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
1st cousin 3 times removed of Eric Stephen Leber
1st cousin 3 times removed of Boris Leber
1st cousin 5 times removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Biographical Details

1852BirthFrymeta Gelbard was born in March 1852 in Belchatów, Poland.1
1852DeathShe died on 23 May 1852.1
1872Death of ParentHer father, Icek Gelbard, died on 7 January 1872 in Belchatów, Poland.


  1. Polish Death Record, Frymeta Gielbard, FHL Film #681040, Akta 16, registered Belchatow 13 Jul 1852, Date: 23 MAY 1852
Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Sura Rywka Galyper

Female, #1815, Deceased

Family: Judka-Lajba Goldring (-before 1899)

Daughter*Bina Goldring (1866-)

Biographical Details

NameSura Rywka Galyper was also known as Sura Rywka Goldring.1
Marr-PartnersShe married Judka-Lajba Goldring.1
1866Birth of ChildHer daughter, Bina Goldring, was born in 1866 in Poland.
Before 1899Death of SpouseHer husband, Judka-Lajba Goldring, died before 26 November 1899.


  1. Polish Marriage Record, Bina Fajgeles & Aba Najdorf, Akta 49
Last Edited23 February 2023 09:37:51

David Jankelewicz

Male, #1816, Deceased, b. 4 February 1895, d. 9 July 1895


Father*Jacob Jankelewicz (1857-1935)
Mother*Chaia Gitla Goldring (1861-1928)

Relationships1st cousin 2 times removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
1st cousin 2 times removed of Eric Stephen Leber
1st cousin 2 times removed of Boris Leber
1st cousin 4 times removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesJankelewicz Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

1895BirthDavid Jankelewicz was born on 4 February 1895 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.1
1895DeathHe died on 9 July 1895 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.2
1928Death of ParentHis mother, Chaia Gitla Goldring, died on 26 June 1928.
1935Death of ParentHis father, Jacob Jankelewicz, died on 6 February 1935 in Poland.


  1. Polish Birth Record, David Jankelewicz, Akta 26 Registered 13 Feb 1895, It took place in the city of Petrokov, the first/thirteen of February, 1895 at 9 o’clock in the morning. There appeared in person Yakov Yankelevich, shoemaker, thirty seven (?) years of age, residing in the city of Petrokov, in the presence of Lyazor Rozenblum holy? scribe, age forty, and Mendel Radoshink, landlord, 78 years of age, presently residing in the city of Petrokov, displayed a young child of male gender and informed us that he was born in this city of Petrokov, on 23 of January/fourth of February in this city at eight o’clock in the evening to his lawful wife Khaya Gitla, nee Goldring, thirty four ? years old, This infant was given the name David. This document was read aloud to the declarant and witnesses and … signed by them except the father who was incapable of writing.
  2. Polish Death Record, David Jankelewicz, Akta 48, Registered 10 July 1895
Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Jacob Jankelewicz

Jacob Jankelewicz
Male, #1817, Deceased, b. 10 September 1857, d. 6 February 1935


Father*Aron Ajzyk Jankelewicz (1831-1889)
Mother*Machla Szymsie (1831-)

Family: Chaia Gitla Goldring (1861-1928)

Son*Abram Jankelewicz + (1886-1918)
Son*Morris Jacobs + (1889-1974)
Daughter*Tziporah Jankelewicz + (1892-1971)
Son*David Jankelewicz (1895-1895)
Son*Josif Jankelewicz + (1900-)
Daughter*Dyna Jankelewicz (1900-)
Son*Paysach Jankelewicz (1902-1902)
Son*Symcha Jankelewicz + (1904-1942)
Daughter*Tauba Jankelewicz (1906-)

RelationshipsGreat-granduncle of Robert Cooper Jacobs
Great-granduncle of Eric Stephen Leber
Great-granduncle of Boris Leber
3rd great-granduncle of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesJankelewicz Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

BirthJacob Jankelewicz was also known as Jankel Jankelewicz.1,1
1857BirthHe was born on 10 September 1857 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.1,2,3
1883Marr-PartnersHe married Chaia Gitla Goldring on 1 July 1883 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.4,5,6
1886Birth of ChildHis son, Abram Jankelewicz, was born in 1886 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1889Death of ParentHis father, Aron Ajzyk Jankelewicz, died on 17 March 1889 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1889Birth of ChildHis son, Morris Jacobs, was born on 5 April 1889 in Łódź, Poland.
1892Birth of ChildHis daughter, Tziporah Jankelewicz, was born on 15 November 1892 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1895OccupationIn 1895 Jacob Jankelewicz was a shoemaker in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.7
1895Birth of ChildHis son, David Jankelewicz, was born on 4 February 1895 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1895Death of ChildHis son, David Jankelewicz, died on 9 July 1895 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1900Birth of ChildHis son, Josif Jankelewicz, was born on 14 September 1900 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1900Birth of ChildHis daughter, Dyna Jankelewicz, was born on 14 September 1900 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1902Birth of ChildHis son, Paysach Jankelewicz, was born in September 1902 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1902Death of ChildHis son, Paysach Jankelewicz, died on 25 October 1902 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1904Birth of ChildHis son, Symcha Jankelewicz, was born on 16 October 1904 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1906Birth of ChildHis daughter, Tauba Jankelewicz, was born on 25 August 1906 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1918Death of ChildHis son, Abram Jankelewicz, died in 1918 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1923ResidenceJacob Jankelewicz lived at 16, Stara Warszawska, in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland on 15 September 1923. Max Jacobs, who visited Piotrków in 1928, may have visited him.8
1928Death of SpouseHis wife, Chaia Gitla Goldring, died on 26 June 1928.
1935DeathHe died on 6 February 1935 in Poland.9
About 1935BurialHe was buried about 7 February 1935 in Łódź Jewish Cemetery in Łódź, Poland. His grave is in Section 412, Row 4, Grave 71, Side: P.9


  1. Polish Death Record, David Jankelewicz, Akta 48, Registered 10 July 1895
  2. Piotrkow Book of Residents, Polish State Archive, Piotrków, Scans 677 & 677a
  3. Polish Birth Record, FHL film #1713999 Akt 376, registered 1865 (Jacob Jankelewicz), Date: 10 SEP 1857
  4. Polish Death Record, David Jankelewicz, Akta 48, Registered 10 July 1895, the city of Petrokov and declared that on the 27th of June/ 9th of July/ the current year at nine o’clock in the afternoon [sic!] in the present city died David Yanklevich, eight months old, son of Yankel and Khaia Gitla nee Goldring.
  5. Polish Marriage Record, Jacob Jankelewicz & Chaia Goldring, FHL film #1713983, Akta 42, Groom: Yakov Yankelovich, 25, son of Uren Lizik (not sure about that) and Machla maiden name Rubin,reserve soldier born and living in Petrokow with parents
    Bride: Chasia Gittel Goldring,18, daughter of late Avraham and Sarah, maiden name Rainglass, born and living in Petrokow with relatives
  6. Polish Birth Record, Piotrków PSA, Akta 26 registered 13 Feb 1895 (David Jankelwicz), Date: 4 FEB 1895
  7. Polish Birth Record, David Jankelewicz, Akta 26 Registered 13 Feb 1895
  8. Passenger Manifest, SS Veendam, arr. NYC 15 Sept. 1923 (Cypora Jankelewicz), Line 21
  9. Burial, Łódź Jewish Cemetery, Jacob Jankelewicz Register Page #37, Image #: P1020491.JPG, Section 4)12, Row 4, Grave 71, Side: P
Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Chaia Gitla Goldring

Chaia Goldring Jankelewicz
Female, #1818, Deceased, b. 1861, d. 26 June 1928


Father*Avraham Goldring (-before 1883)
Mother*Sarah Rainglass

Family: Jacob Jankelewicz (1857-1935)

Son*Abram Jankelewicz + (1886-1918)
Son*Morris Jacobs + (1889-1974)
Daughter*Tziporah Jankelewicz + (1892-1971)
Son*David Jankelewicz (1895-1895)
Son*Josif Jankelewicz + (1900-)
Daughter*Dyna Jankelewicz (1900-)
Son*Paysach Jankelewicz (1902-1902)
Son*Symcha Jankelewicz + (1904-1942)
Daughter*Tauba Jankelewicz (1906-)

Charts and other referencesJankelewicz Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

MarriedChaia Gitla Goldring was also known as Chaia Gitla Jankelewicz.1,2
Other spellingShe was also known as Chaia Gitla Golorin.1
1861BirthShe was born in 1861.1
Before 1883Death of ParentHer father, Avraham Goldring, died before 1 July 1883.
1883Marr-PartnersShe married Jacob Jankelewicz on 1 July 1883 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.3,4,5
1886Birth of ChildHer son, Abram Jankelewicz, was born in 1886 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1889Birth of ChildHer son, Morris Jacobs, was born on 5 April 1889 in Łódź, Poland.
1892Birth of ChildHer daughter, Tziporah Jankelewicz, was born on 15 November 1892 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1895Birth of ChildHer son, David Jankelewicz, was born on 4 February 1895 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1895Death of ChildHer son, David Jankelewicz, died on 9 July 1895 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1900Birth of ChildHer son, Josif Jankelewicz, was born on 14 September 1900 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1900Birth of ChildHer daughter, Dyna Jankelewicz, was born on 14 September 1900 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1902Birth of ChildHer son, Paysach Jankelewicz, was born in September 1902 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1902Death of ChildHer son, Paysach Jankelewicz, died on 25 October 1902 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1904Birth of ChildHer son, Symcha Jankelewicz, was born on 16 October 1904 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1906Birth of ChildHer daughter, Tauba Jankelewicz, was born on 25 August 1906 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1918Death of ChildHer son, Abram Jankelewicz, died in 1918 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1928DeathChaia Gitla Goldring died on 26 June 1928.
About 1928BurialShe was buried about 27 June 1928 in Piotrków Jewish Cemetery in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.6
1935Death of SpouseHer husband, Jacob Jankelewicz, died on 6 February 1935 in Poland.


  1. Polish Death Record, David Jankelewicz, Akta 48, Registered 10 July 1895
  2. Polish Birth Record, David Jankelewicz, Akta 26 Registered 13 Feb 1895
  3. Polish Death Record, David Jankelewicz, Akta 48, Registered 10 July 1895, the city of Petrokov and declared that on the 27th of June/ 9th of July/ the current year at nine o’clock in the afternoon [sic!] in the present city died David Yanklevich, eight months old, son of Yankel and Khaia Gitla nee Goldring.
  4. Polish Marriage Record, Jacob Jankelewicz & Chaia Goldring, FHL film #1713983, Akta 42, Groom: Yakov Yankelovich, 25, son of Uren Lizik (not sure about that) and Machla maiden name Rubin,reserve soldier born and living in Petrokow with parents
    Bride: Chasia Gittel Goldring,18, daughter of late Avraham and Sarah, maiden name Rainglass, born and living in Petrokow with relatives
  5. Polish Birth Record, Piotrków PSA, Akta 26 registered 13 Feb 1895 (David Jankelwicz), Date: 4 FEB 1895
  6. Piotrków Cemetery Records, Page 18
Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Manel Fajgeles

Male, #1820, Deceased, b. 1 May 1865, d. 1873


Father*Berek Fajgeles (1845-)
Mother*Mindla Jurkiewicz (about 1842-1888)

Relationships1st cousin 2 times removed of Robert Cooper Jacobs
1st cousin 2 times removed of Harry Maxim Lieber
1st cousin 2 times removed of Eric Stephen Leber
1st cousin 2 times removed of Boris Leber
1st cousin 4 times removed of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Biographical Details

BirthManel Fajgeles was also known as Emanuel Fajgeles.1
1865BirthHe was born on 1 May 1865 in Konskie, Poland.2
1873DeathHe died in 1873 in Konskie, Poland.1
1888Death of ParentHis mother, Mindla Jurkiewicz, died in 1888 in Konskie, Poland.


  1. Polish Death Record, Index entry, Emanuel Fajgeles, Konskie BMD, Akta 138, FHL film 1192422
  2. Polish Birth Record, Manel Fajgeles, FHL film #716607 Akta 60
Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11