Nine Generations

Szmul Zelman Sadt

Male, #541, Deceased, b. about 1822, d. before May 1875

Family: Bluma Gelbard (about 1819-1901)

Son*Abram Berek Sadt (1841-1847)
Son*Josek Sadt (1843-1848)
Son*Icyk Sadt (1846-1848)
Son*Alter Sadt + (1849-)
Daughter*Golda Sadt (1851-)
Son*Eliasz Sadt (1853-)
Daughter*Frymeta Sadt + (1857-1892)

Relationships2nd great-grandfather of Robert Cooper Jacobs
2nd great-grandfather of Eric Stephen Leber
2nd great-grandfather of Boris Leber
4th great-grandfather of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Biographical Details

About 1822BirthSzmul Zelman Sadt was born about 1822.1
Marr-PartnersHe married Bluma Gelbard between 1837 and 1840.2
1841Birth of ChildHis son, Abram Berek Sadt, was born on 30 December 1841 in Belchatów, Poland.
1843Birth of ChildHis son, Josek Sadt, was born in 1843 in Poland.
OccupationFrom 1843 to 1853 Szmul Zelman Sadt was a butcher -- "rzezak" in Polish.3,4
1846Birth of ChildHis son, Icyk Sadt, was born in 1846 in Poland.
1847Death of ChildHis son, Abram Berek Sadt, died on 4 April 1847 in Belchatów, Poland.
1848Death of ChildHis son, Icyk Sadt, died on 15 October 1848 in Grocholice, Poland.
1848Death of ChildHis son, Josek Sadt, died on 23 October 1848 in Grocholice, Poland.
1849Birth of ChildHis son, Alter Sadt, was born on 11 March 1849 in Grocholice, Poland.
1851Birth of ChildHis daughter, Golda Sadt, was born on 4 January 1851 in Grocholice, Poland.
1853Birth of ChildHis son, Eliasz Sadt, was born on 1 February 1853 in Grocholice, Poland.
1857Birth of ChildHis daughter, Frymeta Sadt, was born in 1857 in Poland.
Before 1875DeathSzmul Zelman Sadt died before May 1875 in Poland.5
1901Death of SpouseHis wife, Bluma Gelbard, died on 17 August 1901 in Pulin, Poland.


  1. Polish Marriage Record, Alter Satt, 18 March 1849
  2. Polish Marriage Record, Szmul Jankelewicz & Frymet Sad, Fond 1703, Akta 7, Polish State Archives, Łódź, It happened in Pisad[?]Tushin the 30 of April/ 12 of May 1875 at eight o'clock in the morning(that) we declare . . . a religious marriage union between Shmul’ Yanklovich, bachelor, twenty one years old, son of Aron Aizik and Makhelia [Makhelin] nee Chuchep, born and residing in the city of Petrokov, with [i.e. “and”] Frymet Sat, 19 years of age, daughter of Shmul Zeivmon, deceased
  3. Polish Death Record, Josek Sadt, Grocholice, 23 October 1848
  4. Polish Marriage Record, Grocholice Civil Records entry, FHL: Film number 767091, Akt 3, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT. (Alter Sadt)
  5. Polish Marriage Record, Fond 1703, Akta 7, Polish State Archives, Lodz, It happened in Pisad[?]Tushin the 30 of April/ 12 of May 1875 at eight o'clock in the morning(that) we declare . . . a religious marriage union between Shmul’ Yanklovich, bachelor, twenty one years old, son of Aron Aizik and Makhelia [Makhelin] nee Chuchep, born and residing in the city of Petrokov, with [i.e. “and”] Frymet Sat, 19 years of age, daughter of Shmul Zeivmon, deceased
Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Bluma Gelbard

Female, #544, Deceased, b. about 1819, d. 17 August 1901


Father*Eliasz Gelbard (1788-1851)
Mother*Frimeta Abramov (1786-1851)

Family: Szmul Zelman Sadt (about 1822-before 1875)

Son*Abram Berek Sadt (1841-1847)
Son*Josek Sadt (1843-1848)
Son*Icyk Sadt (1846-1848)
Son*Alter Sadt + (1849-)
Daughter*Golda Sadt (1851-)
Son*Eliasz Sadt (1853-)
Daughter*Frymeta Sadt + (1857-1892)

Relationships2nd great-grandmother of Robert Cooper Jacobs
2nd great-grandmother of Eric Stephen Leber
2nd great-grandmother of Boris Leber
4th great-grandmother of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Biographical Details

MarriedBluma Gelbard was also known as Bluma Sadt.1
About 1819BirthShe was born about 1819 in Srock, Poland. Srock may have been her residence rather than her birthplace.2,3
Marr-PartnersShe married Szmul Zelman Sadt between 1837 and 1840.4
1841Birth of ChildHer son, Abram Berek Sadt, was born on 30 December 1841 in Belchatów, Poland.
1843Birth of ChildHer son, Josek Sadt, was born in 1843 in Poland.
1846Birth of ChildHer son, Icyk Sadt, was born in 1846 in Poland.
1847Death of ChildHer son, Abram Berek Sadt, died on 4 April 1847 in Belchatów, Poland.
1848Death of ChildHer son, Icyk Sadt, died on 15 October 1848 in Grocholice, Poland.
1848Death of ChildHer son, Josek Sadt, died on 23 October 1848 in Grocholice, Poland.
1849Birth of ChildHer son, Alter Sadt, was born on 11 March 1849 in Grocholice, Poland.
1851ResidenceShe lived in Belchatów, Poland in 1851.5
1851Birth of ChildHer daughter, Golda Sadt, was born on 4 January 1851 in Grocholice, Poland.
1851Death of ParentHer father, Eliasz Gelbard, died on 4 February 1851 in Belchatów, Poland.
1851Death of ParentHer mother, Frimeta Abramov, died on 5 February 1851 in Belchatów, Poland.
1853Birth of ChildHer son, Eliasz Sadt, was born on 1 February 1853 in Grocholice, Poland.
1857Birth of ChildHer daughter, Frymeta Sadt, was born in 1857 in Poland.
Before 1875Death of SpouseHer husband, Szmul Zelman Sadt, died before May 1875 in Poland.
1892Death of ChildHer daughter, Frymeta Sadt, died on 20 August 1892 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1901DeathBluma Gelbard died on 17 August 1901 in Pulin, Poland. This place may actually have been Tuszyn, Poland.6


  1. Polish Marriage Record, Szmul Jankelewicz & Frymet Sad
  2. Polish Birth Record, FHL film #767091 Akta 3, registered March 18, 1849 (Alter Satt), Date: 11 MAR 1849
  3. Polish Death Record, Blima Sad, Polish State Archives, £ódŸ, Fond 1703, Akta 13
  4. Polish Marriage Record, Szmul Jankelewicz & Frymet Sad, Fond 1703, Akta 7, Polish State Archives, Łódź, It happened in Pisad[?]Tushin the 30 of April/ 12 of May 1875 at eight o'clock in the morning(that) we declare . . . a religious marriage union between Shmul’ Yanklovich, bachelor, twenty one years old, son of Aron Aizik and Makhelia [Makhelin] nee Chuchep, born and residing in the city of Petrokov, with [i.e. “and”] Frymet Sat, 19 years of age, daughter of Shmul Zeivmon, deceased
  5. Polish Death Record, Eliasz Gielbard, FHL film #681039, Akta 9
  6. Polish Death Record, Blima Sad, Polish State Archives, Łódź, Fond 1703, Akta 13, Death registered in Pulin Aug 17, 1901 of Blimia Sadt from Srocki, Podolsk, widow, 82, daughter of Eliasz and Frimeta, 2 sons: Alter and Jankel, 1 daughter: Golda
Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Boruch Leber

Male, #545, Deceased, b. 26 May 1837


Father*Szmul Lejb Leber (about 1803-1863)
Mother*Chaia Marya Czarny (1804-1890)

Family: Frieda Kiersz (1841-)

Son*Abram Moshe Leber + (1860-1926)
Son*Wolf Nuta Leber + (1863-1940)
Son*Szmul Lejb Leber + (1866-1935)
Son*David Itzhak Leber + (1870-about 1942)
Daughter*Ryfka Rachel Leber + (1873-about 1943)
Daughter*Dobra Alta Leber + (1877-1974)
Son*Emnel Leber (1879-1890)
Son*Berysz Leber + (1881-1942)

RelationshipsGreat-granduncle of Robert Cooper Jacobs
Great-granduncle of Harry Maxim Lieber
Great-grandfather of Eric Stephen Leber
Great-grandfather of Boris Leber
3rd great-granduncle of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Charts and other referencesLeber/Lieberman Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

1837BirthBoruch Leber was born on 26 May 1837 in Opoczno, Poland.1
1859Marr-PartnersHe married Frieda Kiersz on 7 July 1859 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.2,3
1860Birth of ChildHis son, Abram Moshe Leber, was born on 20 November 1860 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1863Birth of ChildHis son, Wolf Nuta Leber, was born on 3 January 1863 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1863Death of ParentHis father, Szmul Lejb Leber, died on 9 October 1863 in Opoczno, Poland.
1866Birth of ChildHis son, Szmul Lejb Leber, was born in 1866 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1870Birth of ChildHis son, David Itzhak Leber, was born on 4 December 1870 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1873Birth of ChildHis daughter, Ryfka Rachel Leber, was born on 16 June 1873 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1877Birth of ChildHis daughter, Dobra Alta Leber, was born on 2 September 1877 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1879Birth of ChildHis son, Emnel Leber, was born on 14 April 1879 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1881OccupationIn 1881 Boruch Leber was a brass worker in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.4
1881Birth of ChildHis son, Berysz Leber, was born on 16 October 1881 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1890Death of ParentHis mother, Chaia Marya Czarny, died on 4 April 1890 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1890Death of ChildHis son, Emnel Leber, died on 20 August 1890 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.


  1. Polish Birth Record, Boruch Leber, b. 26 May 1837 Akta 53
  2. Polish Marriage Record, Szmul Leber- Yetta Lipski 28 July 1890
  3. Polish Marriage Record, Leber-Kersh, Piotrków BMD, FHL film #1713999, Akta 44, Marriage registered in Piotrkow July 7, 1859 of Boruch LIBER, 22, mohel from Opoczno, son of Szmul and Hai LIBER to Freyda KIERSZ, 18, daughter of Jankel and Sura Jacheta of Piotrkow.
  4. Polish Birth Record, PSA Piotrków, Fond 333 Akta 39 (Dobra Alta Leber), Birth 39 reg. in Piotrkow April 18, 1881 of Dobra Alta LEBER dau. of Boruch, brassworker, 48, and Frajda KERSZ, 48. Dobra Alta was born Sept 2, 1877
Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Frieda Kiersz

Portrait of Frieda Kersz
Female, #546, Deceased, b. 1841


Family: Boruch Leber (1837-)

Son*Abram Moshe Leber + (1860-1926)
Son*Wolf Nuta Leber + (1863-1940)
Son*Szmul Lejb Leber + (1866-1935)
Son*David Itzhak Leber + (1870-about 1942)
Daughter*Ryfka Rachel Leber + (1873-about 1943)
Daughter*Dobra Alta Leber + (1877-1974)
Son*Emnel Leber (1879-1890)
Son*Berysz Leber + (1881-1942)

RelationshipsGreat-grandmother of Eric Stephen Leber
Great-grandmother of Boris Leber

Charts and other referencesLeber/Lieberman Descendancy Chart

Biographical Details

MarriedFrieda Kiersz was also known as Frieda Leber.1
1841BirthShe was born in 1841 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.2,3
1859Marr-PartnersShe married Boruch Leber on 7 July 1859 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.4,5
1860Birth of ChildHer son, Abram Moshe Leber, was born on 20 November 1860 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1863Birth of ChildHer son, Wolf Nuta Leber, was born on 3 January 1863 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1866Birth of ChildHer son, Szmul Lejb Leber, was born in 1866 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1870Birth of ChildHer son, David Itzhak Leber, was born on 4 December 1870 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1873Birth of ChildHer daughter, Ryfka Rachel Leber, was born on 16 June 1873 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1877Birth of ChildHer daughter, Dobra Alta Leber, was born on 2 September 1877 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1879Birth of ChildHer son, Emnel Leber, was born on 14 April 1879 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1881Birth of ChildHer son, Berysz Leber, was born on 16 October 1881 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1890Death of ChildHer son, Emnel Leber, died on 20 August 1890 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.


  1. Polish Marriage Record, Leber-Lipski 28 June 1889
  2. Polish Marriage Record, Szmul Leber & Hannah Stopnicki, m. 23 November 1900
  3. Polish Marriage Record, Boruch Leber & Frieda Kiersz, Marriage registered in Piotrkow July 7, 1859 of Boruch LIBER, 22, mohel from Opoczno, son of Szmul and Hai LIBER to Freyda KIERSZ, 18, daughter of Jankel and Sura Jacheta of Piotrkow.
  4. Polish Marriage Record, Szmul Leber- Yetta Lipski 28 July 1890
  5. Polish Marriage Record, Leber-Kersh, Piotrków BMD, FHL film #1713999, Akta 44, Marriage registered in Piotrkow July 7, 1859 of Boruch LIBER, 22, mohel from Opoczno, son of Szmul and Hai LIBER to Freyda KIERSZ, 18, daughter of Jankel and Sura Jacheta of Piotrkow.
Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Israel Lipski

Male, #547, Deceased, b. 9 January 1840


Father*Jacob Lipski (1808-)

Family: Faiga Braidain

Daughter*Yetta Lipski + (1872-1899)

RelationshipsGreat-grandfather of Eric Stephen Leber
Great-grandfather of Boris Leber

Biographical Details

Marr-PartnersIsrael Lipski married Faiga Braidain.1
1840BirthHe was born on 9 January 1840 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.2
1872Birth of ChildHis daughter, Yetta Lipski, was born in 1872 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.
1899Death of ChildHis daughter, Yetta Lipski, died on 15 October 1899 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.


  1. Polish Marriage Record, Leber-Lipski 28 June 1889, It happened in Petrokov, the 16th /28th of July, 1890 at 6 o'clock in the evening . . . was concluded a religious marriage union between Shmul Laib Leber, bachelor, twenty-three (three?)years of age, the son of Boruch and Fraida, nee Kersh, born and raised in the city of Petrokov, and Ita Lipska, maiden, 18 years of age, daughter of Izrail and Faiga, nee Braidain, born and raised in the city of Petrokov. The marriage bonds were previously published in the Petrokov Jewish Synogogue on the 13th, 20th and 27th of May this year.
  2. Polish Birth Record, Israel Lipski, FHL film #715805 Akta 6, Birth registered in Piotrkow Jan 9, 1840 of Izrael LYPSKI son of Jakob, 32, tailor, and ?
Last Edited23 February 2023 09:37:51

Faiga Braidain

Female, #548, Deceased

Family: Israel Lipski (1840-)

Daughter*Yetta Lipski + (1872-1899)

RelationshipsGreat-grandmother of Eric Stephen Leber
Great-grandmother of Boris Leber

Biographical Details

MarriedFaiga Braidain was also known as Faiga Lipski.1
Marr-PartnersShe married Israel Lipski.2
1872Birth of ChildHer daughter, Yetta Lipski, was born in 1872 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.


  1. Polish Marriage Record, Leber-Lipski 28 June 1889
  2. Polish Marriage Record, Leber-Lipski 28 June 1889, It happened in Petrokov, the 16th /28th of July, 1890 at 6 o'clock in the evening . . . was concluded a religious marriage union between Shmul Laib Leber, bachelor, twenty-three (three?)years of age, the son of Boruch and Fraida, nee Kersh, born and raised in the city of Petrokov, and Ita Lipska, maiden, 18 years of age, daughter of Izrail and Faiga, nee Braidain, born and raised in the city of Petrokov. The marriage bonds were previously published in the Petrokov Jewish Synogogue on the 13th, 20th and 27th of May this year.
Last Edited23 February 2023 09:37:51

Alter Sadt

Male, #549, Deceased, b. 11 March 1849


Father*Szmul Zelman Sadt (about 1822-before 1875)
Mother*Bluma Gelbard (about 1819-1901)

Family: Tserka Lifcha Zelinksy (1850-)

Son*Jacob Chenoch Sadt + (1871-)
Son*Szmul Zalman Sadt (1878-)
Daughter*Ruchla Sadt (1881-)

RelationshipsGreat-granduncle of Robert Cooper Jacobs
Great-granduncle of Eric Stephen Leber
Great-granduncle of Boris Leber
3rd great-granduncle of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Biographical Details

1849BirthAlter Sadt was born on 11 March 1849 in Grocholice, Poland.1
Estimated 1870Marr-PartnersHe married Tserka Lifcha Zelinksy estimated 1870.2
1871Birth of ChildHis son, Jacob Chenoch Sadt, was born in 1871 in Srock, Poland.
Before 1875Death of ParentHis father, Szmul Zelman Sadt, died before May 1875 in Poland.
1878OccupationIn 1878 Alter Sadt was a butcher in Srock, Poland.3
1878Birth of ChildHis son, Szmul Zalman Sadt, was born on 13 February 1878 in Tuszyn, Poland.
1881Birth of ChildHis daughter, Ruchla Sadt, was born on 6 March 1881 in Tuszyn, Poland.
1901Death of ParentHis mother, Bluma Gelbard, died on 17 August 1901 in Pulin, Poland.


  1. Polish Birth Record, FHL film #767091 Akt 3 registered 18 March 1849 (Alter Sadt), Date: 11 MAR 1849
  2. Polish Marriage Record, Szmul Zelman Sat b.1878 Tuszyn/Srock Akta 6, FHL film #1733564
  3. Polish Birth Record, Szmul Zelman Sat b.1878 Tuszyn/Srock Akta 6, FHL film #1733564
Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Golda Sadt

Female, #550, Deceased, b. 4 January 1851


Father*Szmul Zelman Sadt (about 1822-before 1875)
Mother*Bluma Gelbard (about 1819-1901)

RelationshipsGreat-grandaunt of Robert Cooper Jacobs
Great-grandaunt of Eric Stephen Leber
Great-grandaunt of Boris Leber
3rd great-grandaunt of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Biographical Details

1851BirthGolda Sadt was born on 4 January 1851 in Grocholice, Poland.1
Before 1875Death of ParentHer father, Szmul Zelman Sadt, died before May 1875 in Poland.
1901Death of ParentHer mother, Bluma Gelbard, died on 17 August 1901 in Pulin, Poland.


  1. Polish Birth Record, Akta 1. Golda Sadt, Grocholice, 12 January 1851
Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

Eliasz Sadt

Male, #551, Deceased, b. 1 February 1853


Father*Szmul Zelman Sadt (about 1822-before 1875)
Mother*Bluma Gelbard (about 1819-1901)

RelationshipsGreat-granduncle of Robert Cooper Jacobs
Great-granduncle of Eric Stephen Leber
Great-granduncle of Boris Leber
3rd great-granduncle of Theodore Edson ("Theo") Clark

Biographical Details

1853BirthEliasz Sadt was born on 1 February 1853 in Grocholice, Poland.1,2
Before 1875Death of ParentHis father, Szmul Zelman Sadt, died before May 1875 in Poland.
1901Death of ParentHis mother, Bluma Gelbard, died on 17 August 1901 in Pulin, Poland.


  1. Polish Birth Record, Alter Sat, 1849, Grocholice
  2. Polish Birth Record, Eliasz Sadt, Grocholice, 8 February 1853
Last Edited4 November 2023 08:07:11

David Scherer

Male, #552, Living


Father*Henry Scherer (1904-2002)
Mother*Rose Frieda Moskowitz (1904-1996)

Last Edited3 April 2023 05:56:11

Nathan Scherer

Nathan M. Scherer
Male, #553, Deceased, b. 21 November 1935, d. 24 September 2018


Father*Henry Scherer (1904-2002)
Mother*Rose Frieda Moskowitz (1904-1996)

Biographical Details

Residence (family)Nathan Scherer lived with Henry Scherer and Rose Frieda Moskowitz at 634 East 95 Street in Brooklyn, New York from 1935 to 1940.1
1935BirthNathan Scherer was born on 21 November 1935 in the Bronx.2,3,4
1975Birth of ChildHis daughter, Lynn Scherer, was born on 13 June 1975.
1980Birth of ChildHis son, Martin Charles Scherer, was born on 17 June 1980.
1996Death of ParentHis mother, Rose Frieda Moskowitz, died on 13 July 1996.
2002Death of ParentHis father, Henry Scherer, died on 2 February 2002 in Flushing, Queens County, New York.
2018DeathNathan Scherer died of cancer on 24 September 2018 in East Northport, Suffolk County, New York.5


  1. 1940 Federal Census, Record originated in..., Place: New York, Kings, New York; Roll: T627_2550; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 24-138
  2. E-mail message, Paul Scherer to RCJ, 12/21/2007
  3. Henry Scherer's holograph notes
  4. Birth Index, New York, New York, U.S., Birth Index, 1910-1965 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA
  5. Public Family Trees, Danker-Taylor-Curland Family Tree, accessed August 31, 2023
Last Edited17 October 2023 09:51:34

Frank Scherer1

Male, #554, Deceased, b. 20 September 1906, d. 19 November 1999


Father*Marcus Scherer (1874-1938)
Mother*Betsy Wieder (1883-1931)

Family 1: Mildred Vogel (1908-)

Son*Norton Edwin Scherer + (1928-1998)

Family 2: Mrs. Alice Abramowitz (1904-1998)

Biographical Details

1906BirthFrank Scherer was born on 20 September 1906 in Manhattan.2,3,4,5
1910Residence (family)He, Henry Scherer, and William Scherer lived with Marcus Scherer and Betsy Wieder at 63 East Fourth Street in New York City on 15 April 1910.
1914Residence (family)Frank Scherer, Henry Scherer, Nathan Scherer, Rachel ("Rae") Scherer, and William Scherer lived with Marcus Scherer and Betsy Wieder at 209 East 118 Street in New York City in 1914.6
Residence (family)Frank Scherer, Henry Scherer, Joseph Scherer, Nathan Scherer, Rachel ("Rae") Scherer, and William Scherer lived with Marcus Scherer and Betsy Wieder at 231 East 118th Street in Manhattan, New York from 1918 to 1920.7,8
1926OccupationIn 1926 Frank Scherer was a printer.9
1926Marr-PartnersHe married Mildred Vogel on 3 October 1926 in Brooklyn, New York.10,11,9
1928Birth of ChildHis son, Norton Edwin Scherer, was born on 24 October 1928 in Brooklyn, New York.
1930Residence (family)Frank Scherer and Mildred Vogel lived at 982 49 Street in Brooklyn, New York on 9 April 1930.1
1931Death of ParentHis mother, Betsy Wieder, died on 27 January 1931 in Brooklyn, New York.
Residence (family)He and Mildred Vogel lived at 85 Westbury Avenue in Mineola, Nassau County, New York from 1935 to 1942.12,13
1938Death of ParentHis father, Marcus Scherer, died on 16 February 1938 in Brooklyn, New York.
1940Psgr List (fam)On 16 October 1940 Frank Scherer and Mildred Vogel were passengers aboard owners of a retail grocery store en route to Mineola, Nassau County, New York.12
1940Draft RegistrationHe registered for the draft on 16 October 1940 at Local Board #715, Municipal Building, in Mineola, Nassau County, New York.13
1962Residence (family)He and Mildred Vogel lived at 33 Wildflower Lane in Wantagh, New York in September 1962.14
Estimated 1970Marr-PartnersHe married Mrs. Alice Abramowitz estimated 1970.10
DivorceHe and Mrs. Alice Abramowitz were divorced.10
Estimated 1970Residence (family)He and Mrs. Alice Abramowitz lived at 10485 SW 130th Court in Miami, Florida estimated 1970.15
1998Death of SpouseHis former wife, Mrs. Alice Abramowitz, died on 12 January 1998 in Monroe Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey.
1998Death of ChildHis son, Norton Edwin Scherer, died on 20 December 1998 in Woodbury, Nassau County, New York.
1999DeathFrank Scherer died on 19 November 1999 in Boca Raton, Palm Beach, Florida.16


  1. 1930 Fed'l Census, Place: Brooklyn, Kings, New York; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 1177; FHL microfilm: 2341245, Date: 9 APR 1930
  2. E-mail message, Paul Scherer to RCJ, 12/21/2007
  3. Henry Scherer's holograph notes
  4. Birth Certificate, Manhattan Cert. #46799, 20 Sept. 1906
  5. U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007, database on-line., SSN: 057-18-1407
  6. Naturalization Petition, New York, County Naturalization Records, 1791-1980, on FHL Film # 005411324
  7. 1920 Federal Census, Place: Manhattan Assembly District 20, New York, New York; Roll: T625_1222; Page: 19A; Enumeration District: 1367, Date: 3 FEB 1920
  8. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, Local Board 165, New York, Date: 12 SEP 1918
  9. Marriage Certificate, Scherer-Vogel, Kings County Cert. # 14420, 1926
  10. E-mail message, Paul Scherer to RCJ, 2/22/2009
  11. 1930 Fed'l Census
  12. 1940 Federal Census, Record originated in..., Place: Mineola, Nassau, New York; Roll: m-t0627-02691; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 30-234, Date: 5 APR 1940
  13. World War II Draft Registration Card, U.S., World War II Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011., Date: 16 OCT 1940
  14. Passenger Manifest, New York State, Passenger and Crew Lists, 1917-1967 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2008., Date: JAN 1962, Carrier not specified
  15., U.S. Public Records Index, 1950-1993, Volume 2 (Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010)., U.S., Public Records Index, 1950-1993, Volume 2 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010.
  16. Social Security Death Index, U.S., Social Security Death Index [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015., SSN: 057-18-1407
Last Edited8 October 2023 08:51:53

Mildred Vogel

Female, #555, Deceased, b. 2 November 1908


Father*Samuel Vogel (about 1883-1973)
Mother*Rose Klein (about 1887-1991)

Family: Frank Scherer (1906-1999)

Son*Norton Edwin Scherer + (1928-1998)

Biographical Details

MarriedMildred Vogel was also known as Mildred Scherer.1
1908BirthShe was born on 2 November 1908 at 321 E. 121st Street in New York City.2,3
1908Residence (family)She lived with Samuel Vogel and Rose Klein at 321 E. 121st Street in New York City on 2 November 1908.
1926Marr-PartnersMildred Vogel married Frank Scherer on 3 October 1926 in Brooklyn, New York.4,5,6
1928Birth of ChildHer son, Norton Edwin Scherer, was born on 24 October 1928 in Brooklyn, New York.
1930Residence (family)Frank Scherer and she lived at 982 49 Street in Brooklyn, New York on 9 April 1930.7
Residence (family)Frank Scherer and she lived at 85 Westbury Avenue in Mineola, Nassau County, New York from 1935 to 1942.8,9
1940Psgr List (fam)On 16 October 1940 Frank Scherer and Mildred Vogel were passengers aboard owners of a retail grocery store en route to Mineola, Nassau County, New York.8
1962Residence (family)Frank Scherer and she lived at 33 Wildflower Lane in Wantagh, New York in September 1962.2
1973Death of ParentHer father, Samuel Vogel, died on 9 December 1973 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
1991Death of ParentHer mother, Rose Klein, died on 20 July 1991 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
1999Death of SpouseHer husband, Frank Scherer, died on 19 November 1999 in Boca Raton, Palm Beach, Florida.


  1. E-mail message, Paul Scherer to RCJ, 12/21/2007
  2. Passenger Manifest, New York State, Passenger and Crew Lists, 1917-1967 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2008., Date: JAN 1962, Carrier not specified
  3. Birth Certificate, Manhattan Cert. #57314, November 2, 1908 (Mildred Vogel), Date: 2 NOV 1908
  4. E-mail message, Paul Scherer to RCJ, 2/22/2009
  5. 1930 Fed'l Census
  6. Marriage Certificate, Scherer-Vogel, Kings County Cert. # 14420, 1926
  7. 1930 Fed'l Census, Place: Brooklyn, Kings, New York; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 1177; FHL microfilm: 2341245, Date: 9 APR 1930
  8. 1940 Federal Census, Record originated in..., Place: Mineola, Nassau, New York; Roll: m-t0627-02691; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 30-234, Date: 5 APR 1940
  9. World War II Draft Registration Card, U.S., World War II Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011., Date: 16 OCT 1940
Last Edited3 April 2023 05:56:11

Norton Edwin Scherer

Male, #556, Deceased, b. 24 October 1928, d. 20 December 1998


Father*Frank Scherer (1906-1999)
Mother*Mildred Vogel (1908-)

Family 2: Edith E. Weiss

Biographical Details

OccupationNorton Edwin Scherer was a dentist.
1928BirthHe was born on 24 October 1928 in Brooklyn, New York.1,2
1930Residence (family)He lived with Frank Scherer and Mildred Vogel at 982 49 Street in Brooklyn, New York on 9 April 1930.3
Residence (family)Norton Edwin Scherer lived with Frank Scherer and Mildred Vogel at 85 Westbury Avenue in Mineola, Nassau County, New York from 1935 to 1942.4,5
1958AssociationNorton Edwin Scherer was associated with B'nai B'rith in Farmingdale, New York in May 1958. and was installed as Treasurer of the Farmingdale Lodge.
1998DeathHe died on 20 December 1998 in Woodbury, Nassau County, New York.1
1999Death of ParentHis father, Frank Scherer, died on 19 November 1999 in Boca Raton, Palm Beach, Florida.


  1. Social Security Death Index, U.S., Social Security Death Index [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015.
  2. 1930 Fed'l Census
  3. 1930 Fed'l Census, Place: Brooklyn, Kings, New York; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 1177; FHL microfilm: 2341245, Date: 9 APR 1930
  4. 1940 Federal Census, Record originated in..., Place: Mineola, Nassau, New York; Roll: m-t0627-02691; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 30-234, Date: 5 APR 1940
  5. World War II Draft Registration Card, U.S., World War II Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011., Date: 16 OCT 1940
Last Edited3 April 2023 05:56:11

Edith E. Weiss

Female, #557, Living

Family: Norton Edwin Scherer (1928-1998)

Last Edited23 February 2023 09:37:51

Mark Scherer

Male, #558, Living


Father*Norton Edwin Scherer (1928-1998)
Mother*Carol Sue Scheck

Last Edited23 February 2023 09:37:51

Barbara Lessig

Female, #559, Living

Last Edited23 February 2023 09:37:51

Mark Scherer

Male, #560, Living


Last Edited23 February 2023 09:37:51