This entry is for a Biblical Person, based on a historical interpretation of the bible. See biblical.htm for more details.

King David of Israel

M, #2080419, b. 1040 BCE, d. 970 BCE
Father*Jesse (אִישַׁי)1
Mother*(?) (wife of King Nahash and Jesse)
RelationshipDistant relative of Robert Michael Damon

Names and Titles

Titled: King of Judah (David) from 1003 to 970 BC.
Titled: King of Israel (All) (David) 1003-970 BC.
Variation: David.
Greek: Δαβίδ (Dabíd) means Beloved (Hebrew.)2
Variation: King David of Judah.
Variation: King David.
King David of Israel was born 1040 BCE listed as seventh son in 1 Chronciles 2:15, but having seven older brothers in 1 Samuel 16:10

Listed as 30 when became king.3 He was the son of Jesse (אִישַׁי) and (?) (wife of King Nahash and Jesse).1 King David of Israel married Bathsheba, daughter of Eliam.4 King David of Israel married Michal, daughter of King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel) and Ahinoam (1 Sam 14).5 King David of Israel married Abigail of Carmel (1 Sam 25 - 2 Sam 3).6 King David of Israel married Ahinoam of Jezreel.7 King David of Israel married Maacah, daughter of King Talmai of Geshur (2 Sam 3). King David of Israel married Haggith. King David of Israel married Abital (2 Sam 3, 1 Chron 3). King David of Israel married Eglah. King David of Israel died 970 BCE.8
Kings of Israel and Judah

Date9ReferenceKing of Israel King of Judah
1050 BC Saul
1Saml 10-31

1010 BC Ish-Bosheth 2Sam 2-4 David (40 Years)10
2 Samuel, 1 Chron 11-
1003 BC David

970 BC Solomon (40 Years)11

930 BC Jeroboam I (22 Years)12
Rehoboam (17 Years)13

913 BC18th of Jeroboam14Abijah (3 Years) 15
910 BC20th of Jeroboam16 Asa (41 Years)17
909 BC2nd of Asa18 Nadab (2 Years)18
908 BC3rd of Asa19 Baasha (24 Years)19

886 BC26th of Asa20 Elah (2 Years)20
885 BC27th of Asa21 Zimri (7 Days)21
885 BC27th of Asa Tibni
Omri (12 Years)22

880 BC31st of Asa23 Omri
874 BC38th of Asa24 Ahab (22 Years)24
872 BC Asa + Jehoshaphat
869 BC4th of Ahab25 Jehoshaphat (25 Years)25
853 BC17th of Jehosophat26 Ahaziah (2 Years)26
852 BC18th of Jehosophat27 Joram (12 Years)27
848 BC5th of Joram28 Jehoram (8 Years)29
841 BC12th of Joram30 Ahaziah (1 Year)31
841 BC Jehu (28 Years)32
841 BC Queen Athaliah (7 Years)33
835 BC7th of Jehu34 Joash (40 Years)35

814 BC23rd of Joash36 Jehoahaz (17 Years)36

798 BC37th of Joash37 Jehoash (16 Years)37
796 BC2nd of Jehoash38 Amaziah (29 Years)39
793 BC Jehoash + Jeroboam II
792 BC Amaziah + Uzziah / Azeriah
782 BC15th of Amaziah40 Jeroboam II (41 Years)40
767 BC27th of Jeroboam41 Uzziah / Azeriah (52 Years)42
753 BC38th of Azariah43 Zechariah (6 Months)43
752 BC39th of Azariah44 Shallum (a Month)44
In Sameria In Gilead
752 BC39th of Azariah45 Menahem (10 Years)45
Pekah (20 Years)46

750 BC 2nd of Pekah47 Uzziah / Azeriah + Jotham
742 BC50th of Azariah46 Pekahiah (2 Years)46
740 BC52nd of Azeriah48 Pekah
740 BC Jotham (16 Years)49
735 BC17th of Pekah50 Ahaz (16 Years)51
732 BC12th of Ahaz52 Hoshea (9 Years)52
722 BC Captivity
715 BC3rd of Hoshea53 Hezekiah (29 Years)54

697 BC Hezekiah + Manasseh
686 BC Manasseh (55 Years)55

642 BC Amon (2 Years)56
640 BC Josiah (31 Years)57

609 BC King Jehoahaz of Judah (3 Months)58
609 BC Jehoiakim (11 Years)59
598 BC Jehoiachin (3 Months)60
597 BC Zedekiah (11 Years)61
586 BC Captivity

Note: Time Axis not to Scale. Some blank lines have been added to even out the scale, but scale is NOT uniform.
Year listed is the date for the beginning time of that row, which continues to the date of the next row.62
King David of Israel became King of Judah 1010 BCE replacing King Saul by Samuel (1 Samuel).63 King David of Israel became King of Israel 7 Years, 6 Months after becoming King over Judah. Reigned for 33 years. 1003 BCE replacing King Ish-Bosheth of Israel.64
King David of Israel was replaced as King of Israel (by coup) by King Absalom of Israel (2 Sam).65 King David of Israel became King of Israel (restored.)66 King David of Israel killed Uriah the Hittite in battle by the order of David c 992 BCE.67 David's son (?) (Died shortly after birth) died. King David of Israel became the father of King Solomon of Israel 991 BCE.68
King David of Israel was replaced as King of Israel by King Solomon of Israel 970 BC. King David of Israel killed Goliath (1 Sam 17) in the Valley of Elah.69 King David of Israel became the father of Amnon.70 King David of Israel became the father of Kileab (2 Sam 3).70 King David of Israel became the father of King Absalom of Israel (2 Sam).71 King David of Israel became the father of Adonijah (2 Sam 3, 1 King 1-2).70 King David of Israel killed Baanah (2 Sam 4).72 King David of Israel killed Recab (2 Sam 4).72 King David of Israel became the father of Shammua (1 Chron).73 King David of Israel became the father of Shobab (1 Chron 3).73 King David of Israel became the father of Nathan (2 Sam, Luke 3).73 King David of Israel became the father of Ibhar (1 Chron 3).73 King David of Israel became the father of Elishua (1 Chron 3).73 King David of Israel became the father of Nepheg (1 Chron 3).73 King David of Israel became the father of Japhia (1 Chron 3).73 King David of Israel became the father of Elishama (1 Chron 3).73 King David of Israel became the father of Eliada (1 Chron 3).73 King David of Israel became the father of Eliphelet (1 Chron 3).73 King David of Israel killed Commander Shobach.74 King David of Israel had 30 Mighty Men: Asahel, Zabad (1 Chron 11), Abi-Albon the Arbathite (2 Sam 23) and Abiezer from Anathoth (2 Sam 23, 1 Chron 11).75,76

Family of King David of Israel and Michal, daughter of King Saul of Israel (1 Samuel) and Ahinoam (1 Sam 14),

Child of King David of Israel and Abigail of Carmel (1 Sam 25 - 2 Sam 3)


Child of King David of Israel and Ahinoam of Jezreel


2 Children of King David of Israel and Maacah, daughter of King Talmai of Geshur (2 Sam 3),


Child of King David of Israel and Haggith


Child of King David of Israel and Abital (2 Sam 3, 1 Chron 3)


Child of King David of Israel and Eglah

ChartsPedigree of Robert Damon (Big) (#1)
Pedigree of Robert Damon (Big) (#2)
Royalty for Commoners (#1)
Royalty for Commoners (#2)
Descendant Chart for God (#1)
Descendant Chart for God (#2)
Indented Descendant Chart of God (#1)
Indented Descendant Chart of God (#2)
Pedigree of Jesus Christ (#1)
Pedigree of Jesus Christ (#2)
Indendented Pedigree of Jesus Christ (#1)
Indendented Pedigree of Jesus Christ (#2)
Indendented Pedigree of Jesus Christ (#3)

Scriptures (References)

Book VerseTitle
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 16:1-13Samuel Anoints David.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 16:14-23David in Saul’s Service.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 17:1-58David and Goliath.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 18:1-30Saul’s Jealousy of David.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 19:1-24Saul Tries to Kill David.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 20:1-42David and Jonathan.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 21:1-9David at Nob.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 21:10-15David at Gath.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 22:1-5David at Adullam and Mizpah.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 22:6-23Saul Kills the Priests of Nob.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 23:1-6David Saves Keilah.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 23:7-29Saul Pursues David.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 24:1-22David Spares Saul’s Life.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 25:1-44David, Nabal and Abigail.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 26:1-25David Again Spares Saul’s Life.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 27:1-12David Among the Philistines.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 28:1-25Saul and the Witch of Endor.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 29:1-11Achish Sends David Back to Ziklag.
Book of 1 Samuel in the Bible1 Samuel 30:1-31David Destroys the Amalekites.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 1:1-16David Hears of Saul’s Death.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 1:17-27David’s Lament for Saul and Jonathan.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 2:1-7David Anointed King Over Judah.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 2:8-3:5War Between the Houses of David and Saul.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 3:6-21Abner Goes Over to David.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 3:22-39Joab Murders Abner.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 4:1-12Ish-Bosheth Murdered.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 5:1-5David Becomes King Over Israel.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 5:6-16David Conquers Jerusalem.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 5:17-25David Defeats the Philistines.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 6:1-23The Ark Brought to Jerusalem.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 7:1-17God’s Promise to David.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 7:18-29David’s Prayer.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 8:1-14David’s Victories.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 8:15-18David’s Officials.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 9:1-12David and Mephibosheth.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 11:1-27David and Bathsheba.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 12:1-31Nathan Rebukes David.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 13:1-22Amnon and Tamar.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 13:23-39Absalom Kills Amnon.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 15:13-37David Flees.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 16:1-4David and Ziba.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 16:5-14Shimei Curses David.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 16:15-17:29The Advice of Hushai and Ahithophel.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 18:1-18Absalom’s Death.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 18:19-19:8David Mourns.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 19:8-43David Returns to Jerusalem.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 20:1-26Sheba Rebels Against David.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 21:1-14The Gibeonites Avenged.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 21:15-22Wars Against the Philistines.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 22:1-51David’s Song of Praise.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 23:1-7The Last Words of David.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 23:8-39David’s Mighty Men.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 24:1-17David Counts the Fighting Men.
Book of 2 Samuel in the Bible2 Samuel 24:18-25David Builds an Altar.
Book of 1 Chronicles in the Bible1 Chronicles 2:10-17From Ram, Son of Hezron.
Book of 1 Chronicles in the Bible1 Chronicles 3:1-9The Sons of David.
Book of 2 Chronicles in the Bible2 Chronicles 34:1-13Joshia's Reform (TODO.)
Book of Ezra in the BibleEzra 3:7-13Rebuilding the Temple.
Psalm 122Psalm 122:1-9Psalm 122.
Psalm 131Psalm 131:1-3Psalm 131.
Psalm 132Psalm 132:1-18Psalm 132.
Psalm 139Psalm 139:1-24Psalm 139.
Psalm 140Psalm 140:1-13Psalm 140.
Psalm 141Psalm 141:1-10Psalm 141.
Psalm 142Psalm 142:1-7Psalm 142.
Psalm 145Psalm 145:1-21Psalm 145.
Book of Ecclesiastes in the BibleEcclesiastes 1:1-11Everything is Meaningless.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 7:1-25The Sign of Immanuel.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 9:1-7To Us a Child Is Born.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 15:1-16:34A Prophecy Against Moab.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 29:1-24Woe to David’s City.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 37:21-38Sennacherib’s Fall.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 38:1-22Hezekiah’s Illness.
Book of Isaiah in the BibleIsaiah 55:1-13Invitation to the Thirsty.
Book of Matthew in the BibleMatthew 1:1-17The Genealogy of Jesus.
Book of Matthew in the BibleMatthew 1:18-24The Birth of Jesus Christ.
Book of Matthew in the BibleMatthew 1:25The Birth of Jesus Christ.
Book of Matthew in the BibleMatthew 12:1-8Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath.
Book of Matthew in the BibleMatthew 12:9-14The Man with a Withered Hand.
Book of Luke in the BibleLuke 1:26-38The Birth of Jesus Fortold.
Book of Luke in the BibleLuke 1:67-80Zechariah's Song.
Book of Luke in the BibleLuke 2:1-7The Birth of Jesus.
Book of Luke in the BibleLuke 2:8-20The Shepherds and the Angels.
Book of Luke in the BibleLuke 3:20-37The Baptism and Genealogy of Jesus.
Book of Luke in the BibleLuke 6:1-11Lord of the Sabbath.


Last Edited29 Sep 2023


  1. [S3] International Bible Society, editor, The Holy Bible, New International Version (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1984), 1 Chron 2:15. Hereinafter cited as NIV.
  2. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, Matthew 1:6.
  3. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Sameul 5:4.
  4. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Sam 11:27.
  5. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Samuel 18:27.
  6. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Samuel 27:3.
  7. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Sam 25:43.
  8. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Samuel 5:4.
  9. [S24] Kenneth Barker, editor, The NIV Study Bible, New International Version (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Corporation, 1985), Rulers of Israel and Judah from A Chronology of the Hebrew Kings by Edwin R. Theile . Hereinafter cited as NIV Study Bible.
  10. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 2:11.
  11. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 11:42.
  12. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 14:20.
  13. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 14:21, 2 Chron 12:13.
  14. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 15:1, 2 Chron 13:1.
  15. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 15:2.
  16. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 15:9.
  17. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 15:10.
  18. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 15:25.
  19. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 15:33.
  20. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 16:8.
  21. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 16:15.
  22. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 16:23.
  23. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 16:23;Perhaps indicates date of becoming sole king.
  24. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 16:29.
  25. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 22:29.
  26. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Kings 22:51.
  27. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 3:1.
  28. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 8:16.
  29. 2 Kings 8:17, 2 Chronicles 21:5
  30. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings8:25.
  31. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 8:25, 2 Chronicles 22:2.
  32. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 10:36.
  33. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 11:4-16, 2 Chronicles 23:1.
  34. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 12:1.
  35. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 12:1, 2 Chronicles 24:1.
  36. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 13:1.
  37. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 13:10.
  38. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 14:1.
  39. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 14:1, 2 Chronicles 25:1.
  40. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 14:23.
  41. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 15:1.
  42. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 15:2.
  43. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 15:8.
  44. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 15:13.
  45. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 15:17.
  46. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 15:23.
  47. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 15:32.
  48. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 15:27.
  49. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 15:33, 2 Chronicles 27:1.
  50. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 16:1.
  51. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 16:1, 2 Chronicles 28:1.
  52. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 17:1.
  53. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 18:1.
  54. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 18:1, 2 Chronicles 29:1.
  55. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 21:1, 2 Chronicles 33:1.
  56. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 21:19, 2 Chronicles 33:21.
  57. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 22:1, 2 Chronicles 34:1.
  58. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 23:31, 2 Chronicles 35:2.
  59. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 23:36, 2 Chronicles 35:5.
  60. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 24:8, 2 Chronicles 36:9.
  61. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Kings 24:18, 2 Chronicles 36:11.
  62. [S24] NIV Study Bible, Pages 502-503.
  63. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Samuel 2:4.
  64. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Sam 5:3-5.
  65. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Sam 15.
  66. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Sam 19:22.
  67. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Sam 11:17.
  68. [S24] NIV Study Bible, Introduction to 1 Samuel.
  69. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Sam 17:48-50.
  70. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Sam 3:2-5.
  71. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Chron 3:2.
  72. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Sam 4:12.
  73. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Sam 5:14-16.
  74. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Sam 10:18.
  75. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Chron 11:26-47. 26 The mighty men were:
    Asahel the brother of Joab,
    Elhanan son of Dodo from Bethlehem,
    27 Shammoth the Harorite,
    Helez the Pelonite,
    28 Ira son of Ikkesh from Tekoa,
    Abiezer from Anathoth,
    29 Sibbecai the Hushathite,
    Ilai the Ahohite,
    30 Maharai the Netophathite,
    Heled son of Baanah the Netophathite,
    31 Ithai son of Ribai from Gibeah in Benjamin,
    Benaiah the Pirathonite,
    32 Hurai from the ravines of Gaash,
    Abiel the Arbathite,
    33 Azmaveth the Baharumite,
    Eliahba the Shaalbonite,
    34 the sons of Hashem the Gizonite,
    Jonathan son of Shagee the Hararite,
    35 Ahiam son of Sacar the Hararite,
    Eliphal son of Ur,
    36 Hepher the Mekerathite,
    Ahijah the Pelonite,
    37 Hezro the Carmelite,
    Naarai son of Ezbai,
    38 Joel the brother of Nathan,
    Mibhar son of Hagri,
    39 Zelek the Ammonite,
    Naharai the Berothite, the armor-bearer of Joab son of Zeruiah,
    40 Ira the Ithrite,
    Gareb the Ithrite,
    41 Uriah the Hittite,
    Zabad son of Ahlai,
    42 Adina son of Shiza the Reubenite, who was chief of the
    Reubenites, and the thirty with him,
    43 Hanan son of Maacah,
    Joshaphat the Mithnite,
    44 Uzzia the Ashterathite,
    Shama and Jeiel the sons of Hotham the Aroerite,
    45 Jediael son of Shimri,
    his brother Joha the Tizite,
    46 Eliel the Mahavite,
    Jeribai and Joshaviah the sons of Elnaam,
    Ithmah the Moabite,
    47 Eliel, Obed and Jaasiel the Mezobaite.
  76. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Samuel 23:24-39. 24 Among the Thirty were:
    Asahel the brother of Joab,
    Elhanan son of Dodo from Bethlehem,
    25 Shammah the Harodite,
    Elika the Harodite,
    26 Helez the Paltite,
    Ira son of Ikkesh from Tekoa,
    27 Abiezer from Anathoth,
    Mebunnaif the Hushathite,
    28 Zalmon the Ahohite,
    Maharai the Netophathite,
    29 Heledg son of Baanah the Netophathite,
    Ithai son of Ribai from Gibeah in Benjamin,
    30 Benaiah the Pirathonite,
    Hiddaih from the ravines of Gaash,
    31 Abi-Albon the Arbathite,
    Azmaveth the Barhumite,
    32 Eliahba the Shaalbonite,
    the sons of Jashen,
    Jonathan 33 son ofi Shammah the Hararite,
    Ahiam son of Shararj the Hararite,
    34 Eliphelet son of Ahasbai the Maacathite,
    Eliam son of Ahithophel the Gilonite,
    35 Hezro the Carmelite,
    Paarai the Arbite,
    36 Igal son of Nathan from Zobah,
    the son of Hagri,k
    37 Zelek the Ammonite,
    Naharai the Beerothite, the armor-bearer of Joab son of Zeruiah,
    38 Ira the Ithrite, Gareb the Ithrite
    39 and Uriah the Hittite.
    There were thirty-seven in all.
  77. [S308] Sean Boisen, Author, The Composit Gospel (Bellingham, WA: Faithliife, 2019).
  78. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 1 Chronicle 3:6.
  79. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Sam 10:27.
  80. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Sam 3:3.
  81. [S3] International Bible Society, NIV, 2 Sam 3:2.