Cwietla Rachla Leber
Female, #2401, Deceased, b. 19 February 1881
Biographical Details
| Name | Cwietla Rachla Leber was also known as Cwietla Rachla Fuks.1 |
1881 | Birth | She was born on 19 February 1881 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland.2,3 |
1899 | Death of Parent | Her mother, Sura Ita Fuchs, died on 20 February 1899 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland. |
1899 | Marr-Partners | Cwietla Rachla Leber married Manela Fuks on 26 July 1899 in Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Poland.1 |
1900 | Birth of Child | Her daughter, Sura Ita Fuks, was born in 1900 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland. |
1904 | Birth of Child | Her son, Aron David Fuks, was born in 1904 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland. |
1906 | Birth of Child | Her daughter, Alte Marjem Fuks, was born in 1906 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland. |
1908 | Birth of Child | Her daughter, Pawe Fuks, was born in 1908 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland. |
1910 | Birth of Child | Her daughter, Dina Fuks, was born in 1910 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland. |
1912 | Birth of Child | Her daughter, Enta Laja Fuks, was born in 1912 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland. |
1914 | Birth of Child | Her daughter, Chaja Gitla Fuks, was born in 1914 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland. |
1926 | Death of Parent | Her father, Abram Moshe Leber, died on 2 January 1926 in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland. |
- Polish Marriage Record, PSA Piotrków, Fond 340 Akta 64 (Manela Fuks m. Cwetla Ruchla Leber), Marriage registered in Piotrków July 26, 1899 of Manela FUKS, 21, son of Jakob Moszek Icek and Jenta ROZENSZTAJN to Cwetla Ruchla Leber, 18, daughter of Abram Moszek and the late Sura Ita FUKS
- E-mail message, Esther Schwarz to RCJ, 4/11/2012, LEBER, Cwietla Rachla 1881 B 41
Numbers 26, 41 are the same child, registered twice, of Moszek Abram Leber & Sura Itta Fuchs - Polish Birth Record, PSA Piotrków, Fond 333 Akta 26 (Cwetla Ruchla Leber), Birth 26 reg. in Piotrkow Feb 25, 1881 of Cwetla Ruchla LEBER dau. of Abram Moszek, brassworker, 21, and Sura Ita FUCHS, 20. Cwetla Ruchla was born Feb 19, 1881.
Last Edited |
4 November 2023 08:07:11 |
Bertha Weiner
Female, #2402, Deceased, b. 1884
Biographical Details
1884 | Birth | Bertha Weiner was born in 1884.1 |
1910 | Immigration | She migrated to Ellis Island in New York City in 1910.2,3 |
- E-mail message, Anita Roll to RCJ, 26 April 2012, Chaim Weiner (wife Mindle)- born 1859 to Bernard and Bertha Weiner (my mother's grandfather)
They had five children:
Hershel Weiner(wife Sarah Itle) born 1879 timber business with Sam
Bertha Weiner(born 1884)
Samuel Weiner(born 1888)
Joseph (born 1893)
Rivka Weiner(born 1901) - 1930 Fed'l Census, Harry Weiner, Jersey City, NJ
- E-mail message, Anita Roll to RCJ, 26 April 2012, 1910 - Joseph, Hershel and Bertha left for America in latter part of year.
Last Edited |
3 April 2023 05:56:11 |
Mendel Garfinkiel

Mendel Garfinkiel
part of a collage made by David Garfinkiel consisting of the drawing of his mother and this fragment of a photograph.
Male, #2403, Deceased, b. 1859, d. 1924
Biographical Details
| Occupation | Mendel Garfinkiel was a book binder, painter and stone carver in Radom, Poland. also a cabdriver (dorozkarz) in 1906 or 1907 according to the Book of Residents; a tombstone cutter in family memory.1,2,3 |
1859 | Birth | He was born in 1859 in Radom, Poland.4 |
1879 | Birth of Child | His son, Icek Garfinkiel, was born in 1879 in Radom, Poland. |
Before 1879 | Death of Parent | His mother, Chana Ruchla Jurkiewicz, died before 29 December 1879. |
1879 | Marr-Partners | Mendel Garfinkiel married Gitla Rakocz on 29 December 1879 in Radom, Poland.5,6 |
1880 | Death of Child | His son, Icek Garfinkiel, died on 26 September 1880 in Radom, Poland. |
1882 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Chana Ruchla Garfinkiel, was born on 19 May 1882 in Radom, Poland. |
1885 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Rosalia Garfinkiel, was born on 8 January 1885 in Radom, Poland. |
1887 | Birth of Child | His son, Hershl Garfinkiel, was born on 30 May 1887 in Radom, Poland. |
1890 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Sarah Garfinkiel, was born on 10 March 1890 in Radom, Poland. |
1892 | Birth of Child | His son, Fiszel Garfinkiel, was born on 15 February 1892 in Radom, Poland. |
1894 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Dwojra Szajndla Garfinkiel, was born on 26 September 1894 in Radom, Poland. |
1896 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Elka Garfinkiel, was born on 27 July 1896 in Radom, Poland. |
1900 | Birth of Child | His son, Hilari Garfinkiel, was born on 14 August 1900 in Radom, Poland. |
1902 | Birth of Child | His son, Jacob David Garfinkiel, was born on 31 July 1902 in Radom, Poland. |
1924 | Death | Mendel Garfinkiel died in 1924.4 |
1924 | Death of Spouse | His wife, Gitla Rakocz, died on 6 August 1924 in Radom, Poland. |
- Book of Residents, Radom, Polish State Archives Fond 1, Card #233
- E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, 22 May 2012
- Édith Simone Chomentowski, Mar 2021, "La communauté juive de Radom à travers la famille Garfinkiel", in Généalo-J: Revue francaise de généalogie juive, Paris: Cercle de Généalogie Juive, 145, RCJ books and files, p.6.
- E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, 20 May 2012, here is some information concerning my father:
his father: Mendel Garfinkiel, 1859-1924, born in Radom
his mother: Gitla Rakocz, 1859-1924 (same as her husband) born in Radom - Polish Marriage Record, Polish State Archives Radom, Fond 190, The mariage certicate was drawn up in December 1879 (on the 17th according to the Julien calendar and on the 29th according to the Gregorian one). It's written that Mendel is 19 years old and Gitla 17. (per Simone Chomentowski's translation)
- Public Family Trees, Atlas-Rozencwaig-Cajgfinger-Gelberger 2017 Tree, accessed 15 Feb 2019
Last Edited |
23 February 2023 09:37:51 |
Gitla Rakocz

Gitla Garfinkiel 1919, drawn by her son David 1919
Female, #2404, Deceased, b. 16 September 1862, d. 6 August 1924
Biographical Details
| Name | Gitla Rakocz was also known as Gitla Garfinkiel.1 |
1862 | Birth | She was born on 16 September 1862 in Radom, Poland. date is from Book of Residents; Simone's notes showed 1859.1,2 |
1879 | Birth of Child | Her son, Icek Garfinkiel, was born in 1879 in Radom, Poland. |
1879 | Marr-Partners | She married Mendel Garfinkiel on 29 December 1879 in Radom, Poland.3,4 |
1880 | Death of Child | Her son, Icek Garfinkiel, died on 26 September 1880 in Radom, Poland. |
1882 | Birth of Child | Her daughter, Chana Ruchla Garfinkiel, was born on 19 May 1882 in Radom, Poland. |
1885 | Birth of Child | Her daughter, Rosalia Garfinkiel, was born on 8 January 1885 in Radom, Poland. |
1887 | Birth of Child | Her son, Hershl Garfinkiel, was born on 30 May 1887 in Radom, Poland. |
1889 | Death of Parent | Her mother, Sura Laja Goldman, died on 20 February 1889 in Radom, Poland. |
1890 | Birth of Child | Her daughter, Sarah Garfinkiel, was born on 10 March 1890 in Radom, Poland. |
1892 | Birth of Child | Her son, Fiszel Garfinkiel, was born on 15 February 1892 in Radom, Poland. |
1894 | Birth of Child | Her daughter, Dwojra Szajndla Garfinkiel, was born on 26 September 1894 in Radom, Poland. |
1896 | Birth of Child | Her daughter, Elka Garfinkiel, was born on 27 July 1896 in Radom, Poland. |
1900 | Birth of Child | Her son, Hilari Garfinkiel, was born on 14 August 1900 in Radom, Poland. |
1902 | Birth of Child | Her son, Jacob David Garfinkiel, was born on 31 July 1902 in Radom, Poland. |
1910 | Death of Parent | Her father, Lejzor Pinkus Rakocz, died in 1910 in Radom, Poland. |
1924 | Death of Spouse | Her husband, Mendel Garfinkiel, died in 1924. |
1924 | Death | Gitla Rakocz died on 6 August 1924 in Radom, Poland.1,4 |
- E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, 20 May 2012, here is some information concerning my father:
his father: Mendel Garfinkiel, 1859-1924, born in Radom
his mother: Gitla Rakocz, 1859-1924 (same as her husband) born in Radom - Book of Residents, Radom, Polish State Archives Fond 1, Card #233
- Polish Marriage Record, Polish State Archives Radom, Fond 190, The mariage certicate was drawn up in December 1879 (on the 17th according to the Julien calendar and on the 29th according to the Gregorian one). It's written that Mendel is 19 years old and Gitla 17. (per Simone Chomentowski's translation)
- Public Family Trees, Atlas-Rozencwaig-Cajgfinger-Gelberger 2017 Tree, accessed 15 Feb 2019
Last Edited |
23 February 2023 09:37:51 |
Chana Ruchla Garfinkiel

Chana Garfinkiel Milchior, 1932
Female, #2405, Deceased, b. 19 May 1882, d. about 1942
Biographical Details
| Name | Chana Ruchla Garfinkiel was also known as Chana Ruchla Milchior.1 |
1882 | Birth | She was born on 19 May 1882 in Radom, Poland.2,1 |
1903 | Marr-Partners | She married Mosiek Szymon Milchior in 1903.1,3 |
1905 | Birth of Child | Her daughter, Szaja Milchior, was born on 6 December 1905 in Radom, Poland. |
1909 | Birth of Child | Her son, Izrael Icek Milchior, was born on 22 June 1909 in Radom, Poland. |
1918 | Birth of Child | Her son, Sura Laja ("Salka") Milchior, was born in 1918 in Radom, Poland. |
1913 | Birth of Child | Her daughter, Balbinka Milchior, was born in 1913 in Radom, Poland. |
1924 | Death of Parent | Her father, Mendel Garfinkiel, died in 1924. |
1924 | Death of Parent | Her mother, Gitla Rakocz, died on 6 August 1924 in Radom, Poland. |
About 1935 | Death of Spouse | Her husband, Mosiek Szymon Milchior, died about 1935 in Poland. |
About 1942 | Death | Chana Ruchla Garfinkiel died about 1942 in Poland. in the Holocaust at Radom or Treblinka.2 |
About 1942 | Death of Child | Her daughter, Szaja Milchior, died about 1942 in Poland. |
About 1942 | Death of Child | Her son, Izrael Icek Milchior, died about 1942 in Poland. |
- Book of Residents, Radom, Polish State Archives Fond 1, Card #173
- E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, 20 May 2012, They had 9 children:
Chana Ruchla born in 1882
Rosalia born in 1884 or 1885
Hershl born in 1887 died circa 1935 from cancer
Sarah born in 1890
Fiszel/Felix born in 1892
Dora (Dwojra Szajndla) born in 1894
Elka born in 1896 (I am named Edith according to her name)
Hilari born in 1900
Jacob David, my father, the youngest one. - Polish Marriage Record, Chana Garfinkel m. Moszek Milchior Fond 190, Radom Archive, Akta 14, seen index only
Last Edited |
2 November 2023 13:13:20 |
Rosalia Garfinkiel

Rozalia Garfinkiel
Female, #2406, Deceased, b. 8 January 1885, d. about 1942
Biographical Details
| Name | Rosalia Garfinkiel was also known as Raca Garfinkiel.1 |
| Occupation | Rosalia Garfinkiel was a painter.2 |
1885 | Birth | She was born on 8 January 1885 in Radom, Poland.3,1 |
1924 | Death of Parent | Her father, Mendel Garfinkiel, died in 1924. |
1924 | Death of Parent | Her mother, Gitla Rakocz, died on 6 August 1924 in Radom, Poland. |
About 1942 | Death | Rosalia Garfinkiel was murdered in the Holocaust, either at Radom or Treblinka, in Poland, about 1942.4 |
- Book of Residents, Radom, Polish State Archives Fond 1, Card #233
- E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, 22 May 2012
- E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, 20 May 2012, They had 9 children:
Chana Ruchla born in 1882
Rosalia born in 1884 or 1885
Hershl born in 1887 died circa 1935 from cancer
Sarah born in 1890
Fiszel/Felix born in 1892
Dora (Dwojra Szajndla) born in 1894
Elka born in 1896 (I am named Edith according to her name)
Hilari born in 1900
Jacob David, my father, the youngest one. - E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, 20 May 2012,
Last Edited |
28 January 2025 15:32:33 |
Hershl Garfinkiel

Hirsh Garfinkiel
Male, #2407, Deceased, b. 30 May 1887, d. after 1941
Biographical Details
| Marr-Partners | Hershl Garfinkiel married Chaja Perla Gutman. |
| Occupation | Hershl Garfinkiel was a painter and stone sculptor.1 |
1887 | Birth | He was born on 30 May 1887 in Radom, Poland.2,3 |
1912 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Chana Ruchla ("Aniusia") Garfinkiel, was born on 10 December 1912 in Radom, Poland. |
1917 | Birth of Child | His son, Lejzer Icek Garfinkiel, was born in 1917 in Radom, Poland. |
1924 | Death of Parent | His father, Mendel Garfinkiel, died in 1924. |
1924 | Death of Parent | His mother, Gitla Rakocz, died on 6 August 1924 in Radom, Poland. |
1925 | Birth of Child | His son, Mendel Garfinkiel, was born in 1925 in Radom, Poland. |
1926 | Birth of Child | His son, Szmul Garfinkiel, was born in 1926 in Radom, Poland. |
1928 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Gita-Gila Garfinkiel, was born in 1928 in Radom, Poland. |
After 1941 | Death | Hershl Garfinkiel died of cancer after 1941 in Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.2,4 |
About 1942 | Death of Spouse | His wife, Chaja Perla Gutman, died about 1942 in Radom or in one of the camps. |
- Édith Simone Chomentowski, Mar 2021, "La communauté juive de Radom à travers la famille Garfinkiel", in Généalo-J: Revue francaise de généalogie juive, Paris: Cercle de Généalogie Juive, 145, RCJ books and files, p.6.
- E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, 20 May 2012, They had 9 children:
Chana Ruchla born in 1882
Rosalia born in 1884 or 1885
Hershl born in 1887 died circa 1935 from cancer
Sarah born in 1890
Fiszel/Felix born in 1892
Dora (Dwojra Szajndla) born in 1894
Elka born in 1896 (I am named Edith according to her name)
Hilari born in 1900
Jacob David, my father, the youngest one. - Book of Residents, Radom, Polish State Archives Fond 1, Card #243
- E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, 17 July 2021, Date: 17 JUL 2021, I wrote in 2012 that he died of cancer in 1935. I don't remember where I got this information from, but it is false since I found the "Antrag" in his name which proves that in 1941 he was alive. In fact it is his brother-in-law, Moszek Szymon Milchior, the husband of Chana Ruchla, who died in 1935.
Last Edited |
23 February 2023 09:37:51 |
Sarah Garfinkiel

Sarah Garfinkiel Tenenbaum
Female, #2408, Deceased, b. 10 March 1890, d. 1944
Biographical Details
| Name | Sarah Garfinkiel was also known as Sarah Tenenbaum.1 |
| Name | She was also known as Sura Laja Garfinkiel.2 |
1890 | Birth | She was born on 10 March 1890 in Radom, Poland.3,2 |
| Marr-Partners | She married Herman Tenenbaum.1 |
1919 | Birth of Child | Her daughter, Basia Sura ("Betty") Tenenbaum, was born on 14 October 1919 in Radom, Poland. |
| Residence | Sarah Garfinkiel lived in Łódź, Poland.4 |
1924 | Death of Parent | Her father, Mendel Garfinkiel, died in 1924. |
1924 | Death of Parent | Her mother, Gitla Rakocz, died on 6 August 1924 in Radom, Poland. |
About 1942 | Death of Spouse | Her husband, Herman Tenenbaum, died about 1942 in Poland. |
1944 | Death | Sarah Garfinkiel died in 1944 in Łódź, Poland. in the Łódź Ghetto.3,4 |
- E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, 20 May 2012, Except Hersl, his other 7 brothers and sisters perished during WWII, probably in Radom or in Treblinka.
6 of them were married and had together 16 children.
One of them Basia , the daughter of Sarah and Herman Tenenbaum who lived in Łódź, could leave in 19329 for
USA after marrying an american guy. - Book of Residents, Radom, Polish State Archives Fond 1, Card #233
- E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, 20 May 2012, They had 9 children:
Chana Ruchla born in 1882
Rosalia born in 1884 or 1885
Hershl born in 1887 died circa 1935 from cancer
Sarah born in 1890
Fiszel/Felix born in 1892
Dora (Dwojra Szajndla) born in 1894
Elka born in 1896 (I am named Edith according to her name)
Hilari born in 1900
Jacob David, my father, the youngest one. - Yad Vashem Page of Testimony, online \\., Page of Testimony #800882
Last Edited |
28 August 2024 11:42:30 |
Herman Tenenbaum

Herman Tenenbaum
Male, #2409, Deceased, b. about 1890, d. about 1942
Biographical Details
| Name | Herman Tenenbaum was also known as Chaim Nachum Tenenbaum. |
About 1890 | Birth | He was born about 1890 in Poland.1 |
| Marr-Partners | He married Sarah Garfinkiel.1 |
| Residence | He lived in Łódź, Poland.1 |
1919 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Basia Sura ("Betty") Tenenbaum, was born on 14 October 1919 in Radom, Poland. |
About 1942 | Death | He died about 1942 in Poland. in the Holocaust.1 |
1944 | Death of Spouse | His wife, Sarah Garfinkiel, died in 1944 in Łódź, Poland. |
- E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, 20 May 2012, Except Hersl, his other 7 brothers and sisters perished during WWII, probably in Radom or in Treblinka.
6 of them were married and had together 16 children.
One of them Basia , the daughter of Sarah and Herman Tenenbaum who lived in Łódź, could leave in 19329 for
USA after marrying an american guy.
Last Edited |
28 August 2024 11:42:30 |
Basia Sura ("Betty") Tenenbaum

Basia Sura Tenenbaum
Female, #2410, Deceased, b. 14 October 1919, d. 2 March 2008
Biographical Details
| Name | Basia Sura ("Betty") Tenenbaum was also known as Basia Sura Kaufman.1 |
| Name | She was also known as Barbara Tenenbaum. |
| Name | She was also known as Betty Kaufman. |
| Residence | Herman Tenenbaum; Łódź, Poland2 |
1919 | Birth | She was born on 14 October 1919 in Radom, Poland.2,1,3 |
1939 | Marr-Partners | She married Abraham Kaufman on 9 August 1939 in Warsaw, Poland.
Abraham came to visit his family in Łódź in 1939 and met Basia Tenebaum, with whom he fell in love. Back in New York, he learned that Germany was about to invade Poland. He immediately re-embarked, returned to Poland, and married Basia. They got to Denmark and sailed for New York from Copenhagen on October 28. They arrived in the United States on November 13, 1939.1,4,5
1939 | Immigration | She arrived at Ellis Island in New York on 13 November 1939.2,6 |
1939 | Residence (family) | Abraham Kaufman and she lived at 1643 Clay Avenue in the Bronx on 13 November 1939.6 |
1940 | Residence (family) | Abraham Kaufman and she lived at 1475 College Avenue in the Bronx on 6 April 1940.7 |
1941 | Birth of Child | Her son, Gilbert M. Kaufman, was born on 29 December 1941 in Bronx, New York. |
About 1942 | Death of Parent | Her father, Herman Tenenbaum, died about 1942 in Poland. |
1944 | Death of Parent | Her mother, Sarah Garfinkiel, died in 1944 in Łódź, Poland. |
1945 | Naturalization Petition | Basia Sura ("Betty") Tenenbaum filed a petition for naturalization on 21 April 1945 at the U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, California. In order to be eligible for naturalization she had to leave the country and be readmitted. This she did at Rouse's Point, New York on May 27, 1942.5 |
1945 | Residence (family) | Abraham Kaufman and she lived at 2532 Houston Street in Los Angeles, California on 21 April 1945.5 |
1955 | Psgr List | 19 September 1955; Gilbert M. Kaufman; New York; SS Liberté8 |
1984 | Death of Spouse | Her husband, Abraham Kaufman, died on 1 October 1984 in California. |
1996 | Death of Child | Her son, Gilbert M. Kaufman, died on 10 October 1996 in New Brunswick, New Jersey. |
2008 | Death | She died on 2 March 2008 in Cedarpines Park, San Bernardino County, California.9 |
- Passenger Manifest, SS Scanyork, Oct. 28th 1939
- E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, 20 May 2012, Except Hersl, his other 7 brothers and sisters perished during WWII, probably in Radom or in Treblinka.
6 of them were married and had together 16 children.
One of them Basia , the daughter of Sarah and Herman Tenenbaum who lived in Łódź, could leave in 19329 for
USA after marrying an american guy. - Naturalization Index, Index to Petitions for Naturalization filed in Federal, State, and Local Courts located in New York City, 1792-1989. New York, NY, USA: National Archives and Records Administration, Northeast Region. Petition #, Southern District
- Édith Simone Chomentowski, Mar 2021, "La communauté juive de Radom à travers la famille Garfinkiel", in Généalo-J: Revue francaise de généalogie juive, Paris: Cercle de Généalogie Juive, 145, RCJ books and files, p.6.
- Naturalization Petition, Petition No. 123885, National Archives at Riverside; Riverside, California; NAI Number: 594890; Record Group Title: 21; Record Group Number: Records of District Courts of the United States, 1685-2009, Date: 21 APR 1945
- Passenger Manifest, SS Scanyork, 13 Nov. 1939
- 1940 Federal Census, Record originated in..., Place: New York, Bronx, New York; Roll: m-t0627-02464; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 3-171A, Date: 6 APR 1940
- Passenger Manifest, SS Liberté, 19 Sept. 1955
- Social Security Death Index, U.S., Social Security Death Index [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015., SS#
Last Edited |
28 August 2024 11:42:30 |
Fiszel Garfinkiel

Fiszel Garfinkiel
Male, #2411, Deceased, b. 15 February 1892, d. about 1942
Biographical Details
| Other spelling | Fiszel Garfinkiel was also known as Felix Garfinkiel.1 |
1892 | Birth | He was born on 15 February 1892 in Radom, Poland.2,3 |
1906 | Occupation | In 1906 Fiszel Garfinkiel was a photographer in Warsaw, Poland.4,5 |
| Marr-Partners | He married Tsila Gutstejn.6 |
1923 | Birth of Child | His son, Marek Aleksander Garfinkiel, was born in 1923 in Radom, Poland. |
1924 | Death of Parent | His father, Mendel Garfinkiel, died in 1924. |
1924 | Death of Parent | His mother, Gitla Rakocz, died on 6 August 1924 in Radom, Poland. |
1921 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Frania Garfinkiel, was born in 1921 in Radom, Poland. |
About 1942 | Death | Fiszel Garfinkiel died about 1942 in the Holocaust, either at Radom or Treblinka in Poland.7 |
About 1943 | Death of Spouse | His wife, Tsila Gutstejn, died about 1943. |
- E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, 20 May 2012, Except Hersl, his other 7 brothers and sisters perished during WWII, probably in Radom or in Treblinka.
6 of them were married and had together 16 children.
One of them Basia , the daughter of Sarah and Herman Tenenbaum who lived in Łódź, could leave in 19329 for
USA after marrying an american guy. - E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, Date: 20 MAY 2012,
- Book of Residents, Radom, Polish State Archives Fond 1, Card #233
- Book of Residents, Radom, Polish State Archives Fond 1, Card #246
- Édith Simone Chomentowski, Mar 2021, "La communauté juive de Radom à travers la famille Garfinkiel", in Généalo-J: Revue francaise de généalogie juive, Paris: Cercle de Généalogie Juive, 145, RCJ books and files, p.6.
- Photo album holograph notation, Simone Chomentowski's family album
- E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, 20 May 2012, They had 9 children:
Chana Ruchla born in 1882
Rosalia born in 1884 or 1885
Hershl born in 1887 died circa 1935 from cancer
Sarah born in 1890
Fiszel/Felix born in 1892
Dora (Dwojra Szajndla) born in 1894
Elka born in 1896 (I am named Edith according to her name)
Hilari born in 1900
Jacob David, my father, the youngest one.
Last Edited |
28 August 2024 11:42:30 |
Dwojra Szajndla Garfinkiel

Dora Garfinkiel
Female, #2412, Deceased, b. 26 September 1894, d. about 1942
Biographical Details
1894 | Birth | Dwojra Szajndla Garfinkiel was born on 26 September 1894 in Radom, Poland.1,2 |
1924 | Death of Parent | Her father, Mendel Garfinkiel, died in 1924. |
1924 | Death of Parent | Her mother, Gitla Rakocz, died on 6 August 1924 in Radom, Poland. |
Before 1933 | Occupation | Before 1933 Dwojra Szajndla Garfinkiel was a teacher in Jedlinsk, Poland. |
1933 | Marr-Partners | She married Joseph Baum in 1933. |
1933 | Birth of Child | Her daughter, Gizela Baum, was born in 1933. |
About 1942 | Death | Dwojra Szajndla Garfinkiel died about 1942. in the Holocaust, either at Radom or Treblinka.1 |
- E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, 20 May 2012, They had 9 children:
Chana Ruchla born in 1882
Rosalia born in 1884 or 1885
Hershl born in 1887 died circa 1935 from cancer
Sarah born in 1890
Fiszel/Felix born in 1892
Dora (Dwojra Szajndla) born in 1894
Elka born in 1896 (I am named Edith according to her name)
Hilari born in 1900
Jacob David, my father, the youngest one. - Book of Residents, Radom, Polish State Archives Fond 1, Card #233
Last Edited |
23 February 2023 09:37:51 |
Elka Garfinkiel

Garfinkiel, Elke (2)
Female, #2413, Deceased, b. 27 July 1896, d. about 1942
Biographical Details
| Name | Elka Garfinkiel was also known as Elka Kogan.1 |
| Note | Edith Simone was named after Elka.2 |
1896 | Birth | She was born on 27 July 1896 in Radom, Poland.3,4 |
1924 | Death of Parent | Her father, Mendel Garfinkiel, died in 1924. |
1924 | Death of Parent | Her mother, Gitla Rakocz, died on 6 August 1924 in Radom, Poland. |
1930 | Birth of Child | Her daughter, Niousia Kogan, was born in 1930. |
1932 | Birth of Child | Her daughter, Dusia Kogan, was born in 1932. |
About 1942 | Death | Elka Garfinkiel died about 1942. in the Holocaust, either at Radom or Treblinka.2 |
- E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, 22 May 2012
- E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, 20 May 2012, They had 9 children:
Chana Ruchla born in 1882
Rosalia born in 1884 or 1885
Hershl born in 1887 died circa 1935 from cancer
Sarah born in 1890
Fiszel/Felix born in 1892
Dora (Dwojra Szajndla) born in 1894
Elka born in 1896 (I am named Edith according to her name)
Hilari born in 1900
Jacob David, my father, the youngest one. - E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, 20 May 2012,
- Book of Residents, Radom, Polish State Archives Fond 1, Card #233
Last Edited |
23 February 2023 09:37:51 |
Hilari Garfinkiel

Hilary Garfinkiel
Male, #2414, Deceased, b. 14 August 1900, d. about 1942
Biographical Details
| Name | Hilari Garfinkiel was also known as Chil Ber Garfinkiel.1 |
1900 | Birth | He was born on 14 August 1900 in Radom, Poland.2,1 |
1924 | Death of Parent | His father, Mendel Garfinkiel, died in 1924. |
1924 | Death of Parent | His mother, Gitla Rakocz, died on 6 August 1924 in Radom, Poland. |
1939 | Birth of Child | His son, Menachem Garfinkiel, was born in 1939 in Radom, Poland. |
1940 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Perla-Giza Garfinkiel, was born in 1940. |
About 1942 | Death | Hilari Garfinkiel died about 1942. in the Holocaust, either at Radom or Treblinka.3 |
- Book of Residents, Radom, Polish State Archives Fond 1, Card #233
- E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, 20 May 2012,
- E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, 20 May 2012, They had 9 children:
Chana Ruchla born in 1882
Rosalia born in 1884 or 1885
Hershl born in 1887 died circa 1935 from cancer
Sarah born in 1890
Fiszel/Felix born in 1892
Dora (Dwojra Szajndla) born in 1894
Elka born in 1896 (I am named Edith according to her name)
Hilari born in 1900
Jacob David, my father, the youngest one.
Last Edited |
23 February 2023 09:37:51 |
Mosiek Szymon Milchior
Male, #2415, Deceased, b. 27 June 1882, d. about 1935
Biographical Details
1882 | Birth | Mosiek Szymon Milchior was born on 27 June 1882.1 |
1903 | Marr-Partners | He married Chana Ruchla Garfinkiel in 1903.1,2 |
1905 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Szaja Milchior, was born on 6 December 1905 in Radom, Poland. |
1909 | Birth of Child | His son, Izrael Icek Milchior, was born on 22 June 1909 in Radom, Poland. |
1918 | Birth of Child | His son, Sura Laja ("Salka") Milchior, was born in 1918 in Radom, Poland. |
1913 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Balbinka Milchior, was born in 1913 in Radom, Poland. |
About 1935 | Death | Mosiek Szymon Milchior died of cancer about 1935 in Poland.3,4 |
About 1942 | Death of Spouse | His wife, Chana Ruchla Garfinkiel, died about 1942 in Poland. |
- Book of Residents, Radom, Polish State Archives Fond 1, Card #173
- Polish Marriage Record, Chana Garfinkel m. Moszek Milchior Fond 190, Radom Archive, Akta 14, seen index only
- E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, 20 May 2012, They had 9 children:
Chana Ruchla born in 1882
Rosalia born in 1884 or 1885
Hershl born in 1887 died circa 1935 from cancer
Sarah born in 1890
Fiszel/Felix born in 1892
Dora (Dwojra Szajndla) born in 1894
Elka born in 1896 (I am named Edith according to her name)
Hilari born in 1900
Jacob David, my father, the youngest one. - E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, 17 July 2021, Date: 17 JUL 2021, I wrote in 2012 that he died of cancer in 1935. I don't remember where I got this information from, but it is false since I found the "Antrag" in his name which proves that in 1941 he was alive. In fact it is his brother-in-law, Moszek Szymon Milchior, the husband of Chana Ruchla, who died in 1935.
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23 February 2023 09:37:51 |
Szaja Milchior
Female, #2416, Deceased, b. 6 December 1905, d. about 1942
Biographical Details
1905 | Birth | Szaja Milchior was born on 6 December 1905 in Radom, Poland.1 |
About 1935 | Death of Parent | Her father, Mosiek Szymon Milchior, died about 1935 in Poland. |
About 1942 | Death | She died about 1942 in Poland. in the Holocaust at either Radom or Treblinka.2 |
About 1942 | Death of Parent | Her mother, Chana Ruchla Garfinkiel, died about 1942 in Poland. |
- Book of Residents, Radom, Polish State Archives Fond 1, Card #173
- E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, 20 May 2012, They had 9 children:
Chana Ruchla born in 1882
Rosalia born in 1884 or 1885
Hershl born in 1887 died circa 1935 from cancer
Sarah born in 1890
Fiszel/Felix born in 1892
Dora (Dwojra Szajndla) born in 1894
Elka born in 1896 (I am named Edith according to her name)
Hilari born in 1900
Jacob David, my father, the youngest one.
Last Edited |
2 November 2023 13:13:20 |
Izrael Icek Milchior
Male, #2417, Deceased, b. 22 June 1909, d. about 1942
Biographical Details
1909 | Birth | Izrael Icek Milchior was born on 22 June 1909 in Radom, Poland.1 |
About 1935 | Death of Parent | His father, Mosiek Szymon Milchior, died about 1935 in Poland. |
About 1942 | Death | Izrael Icek Milchior died about 1942 in Poland. in the Holocaust either at Radom or at Treblinka.2 |
About 1942 | Death of Parent | His mother, Chana Ruchla Garfinkiel, died about 1942 in Poland. |
- Book of Residents, Radom, Polish State Archives Fond 1, Card #173
- E-mail message, Simone Chomentowski to RCJ, 20 May 2012, They had 9 children:
Chana Ruchla born in 1882
Rosalia born in 1884 or 1885
Hershl born in 1887 died circa 1935 from cancer
Sarah born in 1890
Fiszel/Felix born in 1892
Dora (Dwojra Szajndla) born in 1894
Elka born in 1896 (I am named Edith according to her name)
Hilari born in 1900
Jacob David, my father, the youngest one.
Last Edited |
2 November 2023 13:13:20 |
Icek Moszkowicz Garfinkiel
Male, #2418, Deceased, b. 1821
Biographical Details
1821 | Birth | Icek Moszkowicz Garfinkiel was born in 1821 in Żarnów, Poland.1,2 |
1843 | Birth of Child | His son, Berek Garfinkiel, was born in 1843 in Żarnów, Poland. |
1845 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Sura Syfra Garfinkiel, was born in 1845 in Radom, Poland. |
1848 | Death of Parent | His mother, Elke Szlokman, died in 1848. |
1849 | Birth of Child | His son, Lejzer Noech Garfinkiel, was born in 1849. |
1842 | Marr-Partners | Icek Moszkowicz Garfinkiel married Chana Ruchla Jurkiewicz in 1842 in Żarnów, Poland.3,2,4 |
1852 | Death of Child | His son, Lejzer Noech Garfinkiel, died in 1852. |
1859 | Birth of Child | His son, Mendel Garfinkiel, was born in 1859 in Radom, Poland. |
1863 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Sura Garfinkiel, was born in 1863. |
Before 1879 | Death of Spouse | His wife, Chana Ruchla Jurkiewicz, died before 29 December 1879. |
1896 | Death of Child | His daughter, Sura Garfinkiel, died in 1896. |
- Public Family Trees, Atlas-Rozencwaig-Cajgfinger-Gelberger 2017 Tree, accessed 15 Feb 2019
- Édith Simone Chomentowski, Mar 2021, "La communauté juive de Radom à travers la famille Garfinkiel", in Généalo-J: Revue francaise de généalogie juive, Paris: Cercle de Généalogie Juive, 145, RCJ books and files, p.6.
- Book of Residents, Radom, Polish State Archives Fond 1, Card #233
- Polish Marriage Record, FHL Film #718949, Akta 7
Last Edited |
11 September 2023 21:32:23 |
Chana Ruchla Jurkiewicz
Female, #2419, Deceased, b. 1823, d. before 29 December 1879
Biographical Details
| Name | Chana Ruchla Jurkiewicz was also known as Chana Ruchla Garfinkiel.1 |
1823 | Birth | She was born in 1823 in Żarnów, Poland.2,3 |
1843 | Birth of Child | Her son, Berek Garfinkiel, was born in 1843 in Żarnów, Poland. |
1845 | Birth of Child | Her daughter, Sura Syfra Garfinkiel, was born in 1845 in Radom, Poland. |
1849 | Birth of Child | Her son, Lejzer Noech Garfinkiel, was born in 1849. |
1842 | Marr-Partners | Chana Ruchla Jurkiewicz married Icek Moszkowicz Garfinkiel in 1842 in Żarnów, Poland.1,3,4 |
1852 | Death of Child | Her son, Lejzer Noech Garfinkiel, died in 1852. |
1859 | Birth of Child | Her son, Mendel Garfinkiel, was born in 1859 in Radom, Poland. |
1863 | Birth of Child | Her daughter, Sura Garfinkiel, was born in 1863. |
Before 1879 | Death | Chana Ruchla Jurkiewicz died before 29 December 1879.5,6 |
- Book of Residents, Radom, Polish State Archives Fond 1, Card #233
- Public Family Trees, Atlas-Rozencwaig-Cajgfinger-Gelberger 2017 Tree, accessed 15 Feb 2019
- Édith Simone Chomentowski, Mar 2021, "La communauté juive de Radom à travers la famille Garfinkiel", in Généalo-J: Revue francaise de généalogie juive, Paris: Cercle de Généalogie Juive, 145, RCJ books and files, p.6.
- Polish Marriage Record, FHL Film #718949, Akta 7
- Book of Residents, Radom, Polish State Archives Fond 1, Card #233, Her granddaughter born in 1882
- Polish Marriage Record, Polish State Archives Radom, Fond 190, At this time of Mendel's mother (Chana Ruchla) is already dead (per Simone Chomentowski's translation.)
Last Edited |
19 August 2023 10:20:22 |
Lejzor Pinkus Rakocz
Male, #2420, Deceased, b. 1836, d. 1910
Biographical Details
1836 | Birth | Lejzor Pinkus Rakocz was born in 1836 in Przytyk, Poland.1,2,3 |
1838 | Death of Parent | His mother, Dwojra Szaindla Frenkel, died in 1838. |
1852 | Death of Parent | His father, Fiszel Rakocz, died in 1852. |
1857 | Marr-Partners | Lejzor Pinkus Rakocz married Sura Laja Goldman on 22 November 1857 in Radom, Poland.4,1,3 |
1858 | Birth of Child | His son, Efraim Fiszel Rakocz, was born in 1858. |
1860 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Dwojra Szayndla Rakocz, was born in 1860. |
1861 | Death of Child | His daughter, Dwojra Szayndla Rakocz, died in 1861. |
1862 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Gitla Rakocz, was born on 16 September 1862 in Radom, Poland. |
1864 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Rywka Rakocz, was born in 1864. |
1869 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Hinda Rakocz, was born in 1869. |
1871 | Birth of Child | His son, Majer Rakocz, was born in 1871. |
1874 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Raca Rakocz, was born in 1874. |
1877 | Birth of Child | His daughter, Chana Rakocz, was born in 1877. |
1878 | Death of Child | His daughter, Chana Rakocz, died in 1878. |
1879 | Birth of Child | His son, Aron Rakocz, was born in 1879. |
1881 | Death of Child | His son, Aron Rakocz, died in 1881. |
1889 | Death of Child | His daughter, Raca Rakocz, died in 1889. |
1889 | Death of Spouse | His wife, Sura Laja Goldman, died on 20 February 1889 in Radom, Poland. |
1910 | Death | Lejzor Pinkus Rakocz died in 1910 in Radom, Poland.2,3 |
- Polish Marriage Record, Leyzer Rakocz & Sura Goldman, FHL film #716130, Akta 36
- Public Family Trees, Atlas-Rozencwaig-Cajgfinger-Gelberger 2017 Tree, accessed 15 Feb 2019
- Édith Simone Chomentowski, Mar 2021, "La communauté juive de Radom à travers la famille Garfinkiel", in Généalo-J: Revue francaise de généalogie juive, Paris: Cercle de Généalogie Juive, 145, RCJ books and files, p.6.
- Book of Residents, Radom, Polish State Archives Fond 1, Card #233
Last Edited |
23 February 2023 09:37:51 |