Joseph S. Wise1,2

b. 6 May 1858, d. 6 March 1925
FatherLeonard Wise1 b. 28 May 1810, d. 3 Jun 1889
MotherCatherine Eyman1 b. 8 Aug 1816, d. 17 Mar 1872
Relationship2nd great-granduncle of Jane Ellen Bowditch
     Joseph S. Wise was born on 6 May 1858 (based on his age at death of 66 years, 9 months, 28 days) in Carroll Co., Indiana.3,4,5 He married Irene T. Temple, daughter of Henry Temple and Margaret Cap, on 7 June 1893 in Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan. Their wedding was "the happy culmination of an extended and somewhat romantic betrothal."6,5 He died on 6 March 1925 in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., California, at age 66.4 He had requested that at his death his body be cremated, and his ashes stored until the death of his wife Irene. She died in April 1930, and his ashes were then sent to Irene's niece Mrs. Ed Simon in Monticello, White Co., Indiana, who had them buried beside Irene at Hickory Grove Cemetery in Jefferson Twp., Carroll Co., Indiana.7
     He moved from Delphi, Carroll Co., Indiana, to Logansport, Cass Co., Indiana, about 1884.8 He owned a saloon at 514 Broadway in Logansport, and ran various events promoting his business. For example, during the week of 23 November 1885 he offered a box of cigars to the person sinking the most balls in a row while playing pool at his saloon, and on Christmas Eve of 1886 he raffled off 100 turkeys. In early 1887 he became the local agent for selling Schlitz beer, and made deliveries in a "handsome new wagon, drawn by a team of fine horses" for $1.00 per dozen.9,10
     On 8 November 1885 he was involved in a fight with John Hitchens, a pharmacist from Walton, Indiana, and former newspaper editor. Hitchens was reportedly drunk, and had made some insulting comments. According to the newspaper account, Wise "would have ended his [Hitchens'] existence ... had not bystanders interfered." Hitchens was later fined $20 and costs.11
     On 6 December 1886, he was fined $20 each for two cases of selling liquor to minors12 and on 11 January 1887 he was fined $5 for each of four cases of violating the liquor laws.13
     Between 3:00 and 4:00 on the afternoon of 13 May 1887 he was involved in a fight at his saloon in which he killed William Martin, a brakeman on the Panhandle railroad line.
     Based on testimony at the preliminary hearing on 14 May, Martin, age 24, and two friends, August Erdman and Dennis Donahue, had been drinking at two or three other places before arriving at Wise's saloon. At one of them, Tony Zolt's saloon, they refused to pay, and Erdman called Zolt a "s__ of a b____." Zolt left to find a policeman, and the three left.
     When they arrived at Wise's saloon, they were initially served beer, but when they wanted more Wise refused them, saying that they'd had enough. They quarreled, and Erdman called him a "Dutch s__ of a b____." Wise first hit Donahue with a billy club, then Erdman, and they apparently went outside. Martin was leaning against the bar with a pool cue in has hands. Wise talked with Martin, then hit him with the billy club. Another patron, John Deboo, testified that he told Wise not to hit him again or he'd kill him, and Wise reportedly said "I don't care if I do." Martin, with a fractured skull and badly beaten about the face, was carried to Mrs. Guston's boarding house.
     Wise was arrested around 4:30 and initially charged with assault with attempt to kill. His bail was set at $2000, which he was unable to pay. He remained in jail until around 11:30 that night, when his attorney D. H. Chase posted bond. Martin died around midnight, officially from "compression of the brain," and Wise was re-arrested for murder at 3:00 AM.
     On 19 May, after 2 1/2 days of deliberation, a grand jury indicted him for manslaughter, and bail was set at $5000. His father, uncle, and brothers posted his bond the next day, and he went home with his father. His trial date was set for 6 June (but was later postponed to 4 October). He was back in Logansport a week later, telling a reporter that he was through with the saloon business. "No man could regret more then he the unfortunate circumstances that made him a manslayer." On 26 May he sold his saloon to Mike Burns for $2000.
     On 14 September another grand jury reheard the case, and indicted him for second-degree murder, which meant he could not be out on bail, and he was again jailed. His lawyers argued that the actions of the second grand jury were improper, as he had already been indicted for the same crime. On 15 September the court ruled that the second indictment was allowed, and that the updated charge did not allow for bail. But, because without bail his lawyers would initiate habeas corpus proceedings, which would require re-hearing the case and cause delay, the judge allowed him to remain free under $10,000 bail. He posted the required additional $5000 bond on 19 September, with relatives as sureties.
     His trial began 4 October 1887, with a large number of people in attendance. Wise's lawyers were D. H. Chase and D. D. Dykeman, the state was represented by M. D. Fansler and Mr. Nelson. All of the first day was spent selecting the jury. At least 65 men were examined, with most being rejected because they had already formed an opinion on the case based on newspaper accounts.
     The prosecution began presenting its case on 5 October. Charles Beech, a switchman for the Panhandle railroad line, testified that he and William Griffin were at Tony Zolt's saloon when Martin, Donahue, and Erdman arrived, all apparently intoxicated. Donahue and Erdman were quarrelsome but Martin was quiet. Beech drank a beer with them, and when Donahue asked for more Zolt refused to served him. Donahue started cursing Zolt, and Martin tried to get Donahue and Erdman to leave. All three left within ten minutes. Beech and Griffin later went to Wise's saloon to do some work, and were there when Martin, Donahue, and Erdman arrived. Martin went to the back where Beech was working, while Donahue and Erdman stayed at the bar and asked for beer. Wise refused them, and Donahue called him a "son of a bitch," and reached over the bar. Wise hit him, then came around the bar toward Martin, who was standing at the end of a pool table holding a pool cue, and hit him several times with a billy club. Wise then went after Donahue and Erdman, knocking Erdman down. Donahue ran out, and Wise went back to Martin, who said "please don't hit me." Wise grabbed Martin's left hand, hit him two or three more times with the club, and Martin fell to the floor.
     Beech's testimony was corroborated, in varying levels of detail, by other prosecution witnesses. One, John Deboo, had been in the alley behind the saloon, and testified that he came in to see Wise hit Martin three times. Deboo told Wise to stop or he'd kill Martin, and when Martin fell Deboo said "Joe, you have killed him." Wise replied "I do not give a G__ d___ if I have killed him." Deboo then carried Martin outside.
     Dennis Donahue testified that when they arrived at Wise's saloon they were initially served by bartender Frank West, who then left. When they asked for more, they were refused by Wise, who ordered them to leave. Donahue says he left, and when he came back Martin was on the floor.
     The defendant's case began on 6 October. The first witness, Frank West, testified that although he worked as a bartender for Wise, he was not there when Martin, Donahue, and Erdman came in. Benjamin Morton said that he was in front of Wise's saloon on 13 May when three men arrived. One wanted to go in, another said no, but the smallest of the three [Martin] said that he was going in and that he "had it in for the Dutch s__ of a b____ that runs this place." Morton followed them in, saw Martin try to hit Wise with a pool cue, and saw Wise strike him back. Martin then moved toward Wise, Wise pushed him, and Martin fell. Morton then left.
     Grant Hoagland testified that he saw Martin, Donahue, and Erdman at Zolt's saloon, where Martin wanted him to drink with them and threatened him with an axe. Later, at Pierce's saloon, he heard Martin say that "they would do the Dutch s__ of a b____." This testimony was corroborated by that of George Shriever, who was also at both Zolt's and Pierce's saloons. Other witnesses testified that at Zolt's saloon the three were drunk and argumentative, cursed Zolt, and had an axe with them.
     Joseph Wise then testified. He said that he was behind the bar when Martin, Donahue, and Erdman came in, that they were drunk, and that he refused to serve them. Donahue called him a "s__ of a b____" and reached over the bar. He hit Donahue "I think with my fist." Erdman then threatened him, and Wise grabbed his billy club, came around the bar, and knocked him down. Wise turned around and Martin swung a pool cue at him, but missed. Wise then hit Martin once with the club, not several times. Wise said he didn't hear Deboo tell him not to hit Martin, and denied saying he didn't "give a G__ d___ if I had," claiming that he didn't use such language.
     Wise also testified that he had known Martin for about two years, and that about a year earlier Martin had asked for credit in his saloon until his next pay day. It was granted, "if he did not run too large a bill." Martin didn't pay the bill, which was between $2.00 and $4.00, and asked to borrow $5.00 more. Wise refused, and Martin told him he wouldn't be paying what he owed. Wise turned the bill over to Swift Wright for collection. Wright collected the money, paid Wise, and said that Martin was very angry about it and had made threats. Wright also testified, confirming Wise's account. Both Wright and Frank West heard Martin say that he would get even with that "s__ of a b____" for turning the bill over to Wright for collection.
     After closing arguments, totaling over six hours each for the defense and prosecution, the case went to the jury just after 11:00 pm on 10 October 1887. After deliberating for 24 hours, they found Wise guilty of manslaughter, and recommended a prison term of two years. The jury used most of their time determining the punishment, with proposals ranging from two to ninety-nine years. He was formally sentenced on 12 October to two years in prison.
     [As an interesting side note, Benjamin Morton of Huntington, West Virginia, who was one of the principal witnesses for the defense, may not have actually been present. He had initially contacted Wise himself claiming to be able to help, and Wise paid his expenses in traveling to Logansport to testify. A newspaper report on 17 October 1887 noted that shortly after giving testimony in the Wise case, Morton made a similar offer to lawyers for a murder defendant in Cincinnati, Ohio. The newspaper said that Morton was "a cunning individual who makes it a business to go about the country and submit false evidence in important legal trials simply for what money he can raise by such a novel and criminal course."]
     After a few days during which Wise was allowed to settle various business affairs, in the company of Sheriff Stanley, Wise was taken to the penitentiary in Michigan City, Indiana, on 18 October, escorted by Stanley and Constable David Middleton. The next day, speaking to the assistant warden and other officials, Middleton said about Joseph Wise:

     This young man ... is the son of a wealthy and highly respected farmer who lives in Carroll county and is so consistent in all his acts and deeds that he would rather part with his right arm than be accused of having committed a crime. I regret to state that the son failed to inherit all the good qualities possessed by his father. On the contrary, he left the parental mansion when a mere boy and has ever since been a sort of a wanderer. Several years ago he located in Logansport and opened out a saloon. He frequently gave the police trouble on account of his eagerness to fight and "do up" some one, but Joe Wise was never considered a very bad man until a few months ago when stained his hands with the blood of a fellow man. Naturally high tempered, and at times ungovernable, he became involved in a quarrel with a young man and killed him. That Wise was ill-treated and had just cause to get angry was shown by the evidence brought out at his trial, but that fact did not excuse him from committing a murder. It received consideration from the jury, however, and instead of giving him a life sentence in prison they gave him but two years. Wise is not a common criminal. He murdered his man while insane with rage. He is not a thief, having never been accused of stealing a cent from friend or foe. I attribute his downfall to his high temper and his love for wine and women. He keenly feels his disgrace and present unenviable position, and when released from this gloomy abode he will, I predict, go forth into the world determined to profit by his past experience and become a useful and honorable man. I now leave Wise in your charge and hope that you will treat him with as much kindness and consideration as your position as assistant warden of the penitentiary will admit.

     He was released from prison on 12 July 1889, and after a short time at his father's home in Carroll Co., returned to Logansport.8
     By 20 September 1889 he had moved to Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois, where he was working as a cable car conductor.14,15 In 1900 he and his wife Irene were living there, in Ward 3, in the household of Bert Hoover and his wife Susie (probably Irene's sister). He was then working as a cook.16
     They later moved to Tulare, Tulare Co., California, perhaps by 1910 when the Tulare City Directory listed J. S. Wise, carpenter, living there at 125 N. H St.17 He was listed as a Democrat in Lindsay, Tulare Co., California, in the voter rolls for the 5 November 1912 general election.18 On 14 April 1917, when a new farm loan association was organized in Tulare Co., he was elected as its vice-president. He also served as a director, and on the loan committee.19 He and Irene are listed in Tulare Twp., Tulare Co., in the 1920 census, with his occupation given as farmer.2


  1. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 17.
  2. [S910] 1920 U.S. Census, Joseph Wise household, Tulare Co., California.
  3. [S909] 1900 U.S. Census, Bert Hoover household, Cook Co., Illinois.
  4. [S8053] "Died", Oakland Tribune, 9 March 1925, p. 11, col. 5.
  5. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 43.
  6. [S897] "Wise-Temple", Logansport Daily Reporter, 12 June 1893, p. 2.
  7. [S8054] "Bury Ashes of Kin Beside His Wife", The Logansport Pharos-Tribune, 25 September 1930, p. 7, col. 3.
  8. [S899] Articles on the William Martin killing, Logansport Daily Pharos, 14 May 1887 to 19 July 1889.
  9. [S902] Articles publicizing Joseph Wise's saloon, Logansport Daily Pharos, 23 November 1885, 24 December 1886, and 28 February 1887.
  10. [S903] Ad for Joseph Wise's saloon, The Daily Journal, 20 April 1887.
  11. [S901] "City News", Logansport Daily Pharos, 9, 11, and 18 November 1885, p. 4.
  12. [S904] "Additional Items", Logansport Daily Pharos, 6 December 1886, p. 4.
  13. [S905] "City News", Logansport Daily Pharos, 11 January 1887, p. 4.
  14. [S900] "City News", Logansport Daily Pharos, 20 September 1889, p. 4.
  15. [S907] "Additional Items", Logansport Daily Pharos, 13 June 1893, p. 3.
  16. [S909] 1900 U.S. Census, Bert Hoover household, Cook Co., Illinois. Joseph and Irene were listed as Bert Hoover's brother-in-law and sister-in-law.
  17. [S8058] City Directory(s) for Tulare, California; 1910, p. 341.
  18. [S2246] California, U.S., Voter Registrations, 1900-1968. record for Joseph Wise, Ward 1, Lindsay, Tulare Co., California, 1912.
  19. [S8055] "Farm Loan Ass'n is Organized Here, to Meet Again April 24", Tulare Advance-Register, 16 April 1917, p. 1, col. 2.

Mary E. Wise1

b. May 1862
FatherLeonard Wise1 b. 28 May 1810, d. 3 Jun 1889
MotherCatherine Eyman1 b. 8 Aug 1816, d. 17 Mar 1872
Relationship2nd great-grandaunt of Jane Ellen Bowditch
     Mary E. Wise was born in May 1862 in Carroll Co., Indiana.2 She married Henry V. Sensenbaugh, son of Adam G. Sensenbaugh and Elizabeth Wolf, on 19 November 1881 (the Wolf/Cripe genealogy says 17 November 1881) in Carroll Co., Indiana.3,2

Children of Mary E. Wise and Henry V. Sensenbaugh


  1. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 17.
  2. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 43.
  3. [S1617] Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992. Record for Henry V. Sensenbaugh and Mary E. Wise, FHL Film 2196190, Ref. No. 94.
  4. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 371.

Elizabeth Studebaker1

b. 25 March 1845, d. 2 August 1896
FatherSamuel Studebaker1
MotherCatharine Metzger1
     Elizabeth Studebaker was born on 25 March 1845 in Indiana.1,2 She married Samuel Wise, son of Leonard Wise and Catherine Eyman, on 26 July 1863.1 She died on 2 August 1896 (based on the birth date and age at death of 51 years, 4 months, 8 days, on her grave marker, but the Wolf/Cripe genealogy says 3 August 1896) at age 51.2,1 She was buried at the Wise Cemetery in Carroll Co., Indiana.2,1

Children of Elizabeth Studebaker and Samuel Wise


  1. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 41,42.
  2. [S1000] Elizabeth (Studebaker) Wise Cemetery Marker, Wise Cemetery, Carroll Co., Indiana.
  3. [S1617] Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992. Record for Andrew Wise and Belva Mable Krathwohl, FHL Film 1871218, Item 2, pp. 229,230.
  4. [S1617] Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992. Record for Aaron Wise and Nettie Culp, FHL Film 1845563, Book 27, p. 536.

Catharine (?)1

b. 31 July 1835, d. 28 May 1908
     Catharine (?) was born on 31 July 1835 in Pennsylvania.1,2 She married Samuel Wise, son of Leonard Wise and Catherine Eyman, about 1899.1,2 She died on 28 May 1908 (the Wolf/Cripe genealogy says 20 May 1908) at age 72.2,1 She was buried at the Wise Cemetery in Carroll Co., Indiana.2,1


  1. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 41,42.
  2. [S996] Catharine Wise Cemetery Marker, Wise Cemetery, Carroll Co., Indiana.

Catharine Wise1,2

b. April 1864
FatherSamuel Wise2 b. 4 Sep 1838, d. 24 Mar 1919
MotherElizabeth Studebaker2 b. 25 Mar 1845, d. 2 Aug 1896
Relationship1st cousin 3 times removed of Jane Ellen Bowditch
     Catharine Wise was born in April 1864 in Carroll Co., Indiana.3 She married Levi D. Ganger on 16 January 1890 in Carroll Co., Indiana.1,3
     She and Levi had the following known children: Sarah Lucille (b 2 February 1893), Clara E. (b 29 July 1894, d 10 June 1956), Effie (b 24 December 1897), Elizabeth (b 24 March 1902), Rosa Kathryn (b 22 February, d 29 August 1982).4


  1. [S1617] Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992. Record for Levi F. Ganger and Catharine Wise, FHL Film 2196190, Ref. No. 466.
  2. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 41,42.
  3. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 102.
  4. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 102,377,378; 1989 Addendum, p. 24.

David Wise1

b. 5 June 1865, d. 14 May 1951
FatherSamuel Wise1 b. 4 Sep 1838, d. 24 Mar 1919
MotherElizabeth Studebaker1 b. 25 Mar 1845, d. 2 Aug 1896
Relationship1st cousin 3 times removed of Jane Ellen Bowditch
     David Wise was born on 5 June 1865 in Carroll Co., Indiana.2,3 He married first Phoebe A. Sharp on 30 December 1891 in Carroll Co., Indiana.4,2 He married second Claora Overholser on 5 March 1895 in Carroll Co., Indiana.5,2 He died on 14 May 1951 at age 85.2,3 He was buried at Camden Cemetery (Section B, Row 12) in Camden, Carroll Co., Indiana.3,2
     He and his first wife Phoebe had one known child, Truman S. (b 10 May 1893).6 He and his second wife Claora had the following known children: a daughter (b 2 June 1896), Paul (b 20 August 1899), Verne O.2


  1. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 41,42.
  2. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 102.
  3. [S1250] Robert Edging, Camden Cemetery Records,…
  4. [S1617] Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992. Record for David Wise and Phebe A. Sharp, FHL Film 2196190, Ref. No. 78.
  5. [S1617] Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992. Record for David Wise and Cloria Overholser, FHL Film 2196190, Ref. No. 339.
  6. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, 1989 Addendum, p. 24.

Hannah M. Wise1

b. 8 December 1866, d. 6 January 1937
FatherSamuel Wise1 b. 4 Sep 1838, d. 24 Mar 1919
MotherElizabeth Studebaker1 b. 25 Mar 1845, d. 2 Aug 1896
Relationship1st cousin 3 times removed of Jane Ellen Bowditch
     Hannah M. Wise was born on 8 December 1866 in Carroll Co., Indiana.2,3 She married Daniel Miller on 6 October 1889 in Carroll Co., Indiana.4,3 She died on 6 January 1937 in Carroll Co., Indiana, at age 70.3,2 She was buried at the Wise Cemetery in Carroll Co., Indiana.2,3
     She and Daniel had one known child, Mary (b January 1891, d 1965).5


  1. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 41,42.
  2. [S989] Wise Cemetery Records,…
  3. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 103.
  4. [S1617] Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992. Record for Daniel Miller and Hannah Wise, FHL Film 2196190, Ref. No. 439.
  5. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 103,166.

Susannah Wise1

b. 22 February 1868, d. 1 April 1927
FatherSamuel Wise1 b. 4 Sep 1838, d. 24 Mar 1919
MotherElizabeth Studebaker1 b. 25 Mar 1845, d. 2 Aug 1896
Relationship1st cousin 3 times removed of Jane Ellen Bowditch
     Susannah Wise was born on 22 February 1868 in Carroll Co., Indiana.2 She married Henry J. Cripe, son of Daniel Cripe and Leah Wolf, on 30 December 1888 in Carroll Co., Indiana.3,2 She died on 1 April 1927 at home near Camden, Carroll Co., Indiana.2 She was buried at Musselman Cemetery in Carroll Co., Indiana.2
     She and Henry had the following known children: Elizabeth (b 6 January 1890, d 7 October 1918), Jacob (b 8 June 1892, d 13 April 1956), Leah (b 19 November 1894, d 13 June 1988), Ezra (b 19 July 1896), Daniel (b 5 February 1900), Mary (b 2 April 1900 (sic)), Samuel (b 21 November 1903), a son (b and d 3 June 1909).4


  1. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 41,42.
  2. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 103.
  3. [S1617] Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992. Record for Henry J. Oripe and Susannah Wise, FHL Film 2196190, Ref. No. 371.
  4. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 103,166; 1995 Addendum, p. 15.

Noah Wise1

b. 6 March 1869, d. 28 April 1948
FatherSamuel Wise1 b. 4 Sep 1838, d. 24 Mar 1919
MotherElizabeth Studebaker1 b. 25 Mar 1845, d. 2 Aug 1896
Relationship1st cousin 3 times removed of Jane Ellen Bowditch
     Noah Wise was born on 6 March 1869 in Carroll Co., Indiana.2 He married Elizabeth Wagoner, daughter of Andrew Wagoner and Mary Studebaker, on 20 October 1892 in Carroll Co., Indiana.3,2 He died on 28 April 1948 in Flora, Carroll Co., Indiana, at age 79.2 He was buried at Maple Lawn Cemetery.2
     He and Elizabeth had the following known children, all born in Carroll Co., Indiana: Nettie (b 17 February 1894, d 18 March 1975), Marvin (b 24 July 1895, d 15 September 1967), Carl (b November 1899).4


  1. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 41,42.
  2. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 103.
  3. [S1617] Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992. Record for Noah Wise and Lizzie Wagoner, FHL Film 2196190, Ref. No. 145.
  4. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 103,166,167.

Jacob Wise1

b. 29 August 1870, d. 23 May 1945
FatherSamuel Wise1 b. 4 Sep 1838, d. 24 Mar 1919
MotherElizabeth Studebaker1 b. 25 Mar 1845, d. 2 Aug 1896
Relationship1st cousin 3 times removed of Jane Ellen Bowditch
     Jacob Wise was born on 29 August 1870 in Carroll Co., Indiana.2,3 He married Leah Fouts, daughter of John Fouts and Hannah Wagoner, on 19 February 1894 in Clinton Co., Indiana.2 He died on 23 May 1945 at age 74.2,3 He was buried at the Wise Cemetery in Carroll Co., Indiana.3,2
     He was a minister.2 He and his wife Leah and their family moved to near Minot, Ward Co., North Dakota, sometime between 1900 and 1902.2 About five or six years later, in 1907, they moved again, to the "Hardscrabble community" near Sawyer, Pratt Co., Kansas.2 They later moved back to Carroll Co., Indiana.2
     He and Leah had the following known children: Minnie Mable (b 22 April 1898, d 8 May 1964), David S., John Henry, Mary Elizabeth.2,3


  1. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 41,42.
  2. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 74.
  3. [S989] Wise Cemetery Records,…

Leonard Wise1

b. January 1872, d. 1968
FatherSamuel Wise1 b. 4 Sep 1838, d. 24 Mar 1919
MotherElizabeth Studebaker1 b. 25 Mar 1845, d. 2 Aug 1896
Relationship1st cousin 3 times removed of Jane Ellen Bowditch
     Leonard Wise was born in January 1872 in Indiana.2,1,3 He died in 1968.1,3 He was buried at the Wise Cemetery in Carroll Co., Indiana.3
     He is listed as the head of household in the 1900 census in Deer Creek Twp., Carroll Co., Indiana, living with with his three youngest living siblings Samuel, Lydia, and Aaron.2


  1. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 41,42.
  2. [S874] 1900 U.S. Census, Leonard Wise household, Carroll Co., Indiana.
  3. [S989] Wise Cemetery Records,…

Elizabeth Wise1

b. 12 August 1874, d. 18 July 1948
FatherSamuel Wise1 b. 4 Sep 1838, d. 24 Mar 1919
MotherElizabeth Studebaker1 b. 25 Mar 1845, d. 2 Aug 1896
Relationship1st cousin 3 times removed of Jane Ellen Bowditch
     Elizabeth Wise was born on 12 August 1874 in Carroll Co., Indiana.2,3 She married Adam Blocher, son of Isaac Blocher and Malinda Miller, on 8 August 1899 (the Wolf/Cripe genealogy says 1 August 1899) in Carroll Co., Indiana.4,2 She died on 18 July 1948 in Carroll Co., Indiana, at age 73.2,3 She was buried at the Wise Cemetery in Carroll Co., Indiana.3,2

Children of Elizabeth Wise and Adam Blocher

     In addition to Cordelia, listed below, Elizabeth and Adam had the following known children: Rosa Claora (b 21 July 1900, d 3 July 1995), Clara Leona (b 29 December 1901), Edna Marie (b 17 August 1903, d 28 January 1985), Leonard Alonzo (b 13 October 1906, d 11 December 1973), Mabel Florence (b 5 March 1907, d 17 March 1907), Malinda Pearl (b 31 January 1909, d 28 August 1984), Floyd Lawrence (b 2 May 1911), Paul Ivan (b 27 August 1916), Joseph Wise (b 13 January 1921).6,7


  1. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 41,42.
  2. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 103.
  3. [S991] Adam and Elizabeth Blocher Cemetery Marker, Wise Cemetery, Carroll Co., Indiana.
  4. [S1617] Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992. Record for Adam Blocher and Lizzie Wise, FHL Film 2196395, Ref. No. 122.
  5. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 116.
  6. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 103,167,168; 1989 Addendum, pp. 25-30.
  7. [S989] Wise Cemetery Records,…

Moses Wise1

b. 30 May 1876, d. 7 June 1963
FatherSamuel Wise1 b. 4 Sep 1838, d. 24 Mar 1919
MotherElizabeth Studebaker1 b. 25 Mar 1845, d. 2 Aug 1896
Relationship1st cousin 3 times removed of Jane Ellen Bowditch
     Moses Wise was born on 30 May 1876 in Carroll Co., Indiana.2 He married Anna May Blocher, daughter of Isaac Blocher and Malinda Miller, on 22 March 1903 in Carroll Co., Indiana.2 He died on 7 June 1963 at age 87.2
     He was a homesteader near Surrey, Ward Co., North Dakota.2 He and Anna had the following known children: Walter Blocher (b 28 July 1904), William Arthur (b 28 May 1908), Isaac Samuel (b 6 April 1910), Esther Elizabeth (b 25 March 1913), Simon Joseph (b 24 October 1917).3


  1. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 41,42.
  2. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 103.
  3. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 103,168.

Andrew Wise1,2

b. 28 March 1878, d. 30 September 1954
FatherSamuel Wise1,2 b. 4 Sep 1838, d. 24 Mar 1919
MotherElizabeth Studebaker1,2 b. 25 Mar 1845, d. 2 Aug 1896
Relationship1st cousin 3 times removed of Jane Ellen Bowditch
     Andrew Wise was born on 28 March 1878 (the Wolf/Cripe genealogy says 20 March 1878) in Carroll Co., Indiana.1,3 He married Belva Mable Krathwohl, daughter of John Krathwohl and Lizzie Whitmeyer, in October 1908 in Indiana.4,5,6 He died on 30 September 1954 in Carroll Co., Indiana, at age 76.3 He was buried at the Wise Cemetery in Carroll Co., Indiana.3
     He and Belva had the following known children, all born in Carroll Co., Indiana: Clayton K. (b 9 August 1909), Clarice Eunice (b 26 June 1913), Claude Mozingo (b 21 October 1915), Wilbur Ernest (b 17 November 1921), Joan Viola (b 24 February 1930).7


  1. [S1617] Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992. Record for Andrew Wise and Belva Mable Krathwohl, FHL Film 1871218, Item 2, pp. 229,230.
  2. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 41,42.
  3. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 103.
  4. [S1617] Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992. Record for Andrew Wise and Belva Mable Krathwohl, FHL Film 1871218, Item 2, pp. 229,230. Says they were married 10 October 1908 in Fulton (Fulton Co.), Indiana.
  5. [S1617] Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992. Record for Andrew Wise and Belva Mable Krathwohl, FHL Film 1871213, p. 37, line 6. Says they were married 11 October 1908 in Logansport (Cass Co.), Indiana.
  6. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 103. Says they were married 12 October 1908 in Fulton Co., Indiana.
  7. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, 1989 Addendum, p. 18.

Samuel Wise1

b. 3 November 1879, d. 25 March 1973
FatherSamuel Wise1 b. 4 Sep 1838, d. 24 Mar 1919
MotherElizabeth Studebaker1 b. 25 Mar 1845, d. 2 Aug 1896
Relationship1st cousin 3 times removed of Jane Ellen Bowditch
     Samuel Wise was born on 3 November 1879 in Carroll Co., Indiana.2,3 He married Edna Fry on 10 April 1901 in Carroll Co., Indiana.4,5 He died on 25 March 1973 at age 93.6
     He is listed in the 1900 census in Deer Creek Twp., Carroll Co., Indiana, living with his siblings Leonard, Lydia, and Aaron.3 He and Edna had the following known children: a son (b and d 13 May 1903), Floyd Bruce (b 11 December 1907), Willard Paul (b 23 August 1909), Donald Orton (b 5 March 1912), Gladys Ulainee (b 25 August 1915).6


  1. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 41,42.
  2. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 104; 1989 Addendum, p. 18.
  3. [S874] 1900 U.S. Census, Leonard Wise household, Carroll Co., Indiana.
  4. [S1617] Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992. Record for Samuel Wise and Edna Fry, FHL Film 2196395, Ref. No. 304.
  5. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 104.
  6. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, 1989 Addendum, p. 18.

Mary Wise1

b. 20 August 1882, d. 21 September 1882
FatherSamuel Wise1 b. 4 Sep 1838, d. 24 Mar 1919
MotherElizabeth Studebaker1 b. 25 Mar 1845, d. 2 Aug 1896
Relationship1st cousin 3 times removed of Jane Ellen Bowditch
     Mary Wise was born on 20 August 1882.2,1 She died on 21 September 1882 in Carroll Co., Indiana.1 She was buried at the Wise Cemetery in Carroll Co., Indiana.2,1


  1. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 41,42.
  2. [S989] Wise Cemetery Records,…

Lydia Mabel Wise1,2

b. November 1884
FatherSamuel Wise2 b. 4 Sep 1838, d. 24 Mar 1919
MotherElizabeth Studebaker2 b. 25 Mar 1845, d. 2 Aug 1896
Relationship1st cousin 3 times removed of Jane Ellen Bowditch
     Lydia Mabel Wise was born in November 1884 in Carroll Co., Indiana.3,4 She married Rueben A. Eikenberry on 2 October 1901 in Carroll Co., Indiana.1,3
     She is listed in the 1900 census in Deer Creek Twp., Carroll Co., Indiana, living with her brothers Leonard, Samuel, and Aaron.4


  1. [S1617] Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992. Record for Reuben A. Eikenberry and Lydia Mabel Wise, FHL Film 2196395, Ref. No. 340.
  2. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 41,42.
  3. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 104.
  4. [S874] 1900 U.S. Census, Leonard Wise household, Carroll Co., Indiana.

Aaron Wise1,2

b. 28 June 1886
FatherSamuel Wise1,2 b. 4 Sep 1838, d. 24 Mar 1919
MotherElizabeth Studebaker1,2 b. 25 Mar 1845, d. 2 Aug 1896
Relationship1st cousin 3 times removed of Jane Ellen Bowditch
     Aaron Wise was born on 28 June 1886 (the 1900 census says June 1887) in Delphi, Carroll Co., Indiana.1,3,4 He married Nettie Culp, daughter of David S. Culp and Mary E. Weaver, on 12 October 1918 in Elkhart Co., Indiana.1,4
     He is listed in the 1900 census in Deer Creek Twp., Carroll Co., Indiana, living with his siblings Leonard, Samuel, and Lydia.3


  1. [S1617] Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992. Record for Aaron Wise and Nettie Culp, FHL Film 1845563, Book 27, p. 536.
  2. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 41,42.
  3. [S874] 1900 U.S. Census, Leonard Wise household, Carroll Co., Indiana.
  4. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 104.

Levi D. Ganger1,2

b. July 1861
     Levi D. Ganger was born in July 1861 in Indiana.2 He married Catharine Wise, daughter of Samuel Wise and Elizabeth Studebaker, on 16 January 1890 in Carroll Co., Indiana.1,2
     He and Catharine had the following known children: Sarah Lucille (b 2 February 1893), Clara E. (b 29 July 1894, d 10 June 1956), Effie (b 24 December 1897), Elizabeth (b 24 March 1902), Rosa Kathryn (b 22 February, d 29 August 1982).3


  1. [S1617] Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992. Record for Levi F. Ganger and Catharine Wise, FHL Film 2196190, Ref. No. 466.
  2. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 102.
  3. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 102,377,378; 1989 Addendum, p. 24.

Phoebe A. Sharp1,2,3

b. 9 November 1872, d. 10 May 1893
     Phoebe A. Sharp was born on 9 November 1872 (based on a death date of 10 May 1893 and age at death of 20 years, 6 months, 1 day).2 She married David Wise, son of Samuel Wise and Elizabeth Studebaker, on 30 December 1891 in Carroll Co., Indiana.1,3 She died on 10 May 1893 (the Wolf/Cripe genealogy says 12 May 1893) in Carroll Co., Indiana, at age 20.2,4 She was buried at Camden Cemetery (Section B, Row 12) in Camden, Carroll Co., Indiana.2,3
     She and David had one known child, Truman S. (b 10 May 1893).4


  1. [S1617] Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992. Record for David Wise and Phebe A. Sharp, FHL Film 2196190, Ref. No. 78.
  2. [S1250] Robert Edging, Camden Cemetery Records,…
  3. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 102.
  4. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, 1989 Addendum, p. 24.

Claora Overholser1,2

b. November 1870, d. 1956
     Claora Overholser was born in November 1870 in Indiana.1 She married David Wise, son of Samuel Wise and Elizabeth Studebaker, on 5 March 1895 in Carroll Co., Indiana.2,1 She died in 1956.1 She was buried at Camden Cemetery in Camden, Carroll Co., Indiana.1
     She and David had the following known children: a daughter (b 2 June 1896), Paul (b 20 August 1899), Verne O.1


  1. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 102.
  2. [S1617] Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992. Record for David Wise and Cloria Overholser, FHL Film 2196190, Ref. No. 339.

Daniel Miller1,2

b. September 1866, d. 1961
     Daniel Miller was born in September 1866 in Indiana.2,3 He married Hannah M. Wise, daughter of Samuel Wise and Elizabeth Studebaker, on 6 October 1889 in Carroll Co., Indiana.1,2 He died in 1961 in Carroll Co., Indiana.2,3 He was buried at the Wise Cemetery in Carroll Co., Indiana.3,2
     He and Hannah had one known child, Mary (b January 1891, d 1965).4


  1. [S1617] Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992. Record for Daniel Miller and Hannah Wise, FHL Film 2196190, Ref. No. 439.
  2. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 103.
  3. [S989] Wise Cemetery Records,…
  4. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 103,166.

Henry J. Cripe1,2

b. 20 August 1865, d. 2 February 1924
FatherDaniel Cripe1 b. 30 Jun 1843, d. 13 Mar 1916
MotherLeah Wolf1 b. 24 Jun 1847, d. 30 Oct 1919
Relationship3rd cousin 3 times removed of Jane Ellen Bowditch
     Henry J. Cripe was born on 20 August 1865 in Carroll Co., Indiana.1 He married Susannah Wise, daughter of Samuel Wise and Elizabeth Studebaker, on 30 December 1888 in Carroll Co., Indiana.2,1 He died on 2 February 1924 in Carroll Co., Indiana, at age 58.1 He was buried at Musselman Cemetery in Carroll Co., Indiana.1
     He and Susannah had the following known children: Elizabeth (b 6 January 1890, d 7 October 1918), Jacob (b 8 June 1892, d 13 April 1956), Leah (b 19 November 1894, d 13 June 1988), Ezra (b 19 July 1896), Daniel (b 5 February 1900), Mary (b 2 April 1900 (sic)), Samuel (b 21 November 1903), a son (b and d 3 June 1909).3


  1. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 103.
  2. [S1617] Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992. Record for Henry J. Oripe and Susannah Wise, FHL Film 2196190, Ref. No. 371.
  3. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 103,166; 1995 Addendum, p. 15.

Daniel Cripe1

b. 30 June 1843, d. 13 March 1916
FatherJacob Cripe2
MotherAnna Metzger2 d. a Jul 1843
     Daniel Cripe was born on 30 June 1843 in Indiana.3 He married Leah Wolf, daughter of Stephen Wolf and Elizabeth Glace, on 2 October 1864 in Clinton Co., Indiana.2 He died on 13 March 1916 at age 72.2 He was buried at Musselman Cemetery in Carroll Co., Indiana.2
     He's mother died shortly after his birth, and he was raised by his aunt and uncle, Jacob and Susannah (Metzger) Shively.4

Child of Daniel Cripe and Leah Wolf


  1. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 103.
  2. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 61.
  3. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, 1989 Addendum, p. 2.
  4. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 15.

Leah Wolf1

b. 24 June 1847, d. 30 October 1919
FatherStephen Wolf2 b. a 1822
MotherElizabeth Glace2 b. a 1824, d. 1855
Relationship2nd cousin 4 times removed of Jane Ellen Bowditch
     Leah Wolf was born on 24 June 1847 in Montgomery Co., Ohio.3 She married Daniel Cripe, son of Jacob Cripe and Anna Metzger, on 2 October 1864 in Clinton Co., Indiana.3 She died on 30 October 1919 in Carroll Co., Indiana, at age 72.3 She was buried at Musselman Cemetery in Carroll Co., Indiana.3

Child of Leah Wolf and Daniel Cripe


  1. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 103.
  2. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 23.
  3. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 61.

Elizabeth Wagoner1

b. 17 January 1874, d. 17 November 1953
FatherAndrew Wagoner1 b. 21 Mar 1842, d. 8 Mar 1911
MotherMary Studebaker1 b. 8 Dec 1837, d. 25 Jun 1926
     Elizabeth Wagoner was born on 17 January 1874 in St. Clair Co., Missouri.1 She married Noah Wise, son of Samuel Wise and Elizabeth Studebaker, on 20 October 1892 in Carroll Co., Indiana.2,1 She died on 17 November 1953 in Bringhurst, Carroll Co., Indiana, at age 79.1 She was buried at Maple Lawn Cemetery in Carroll Co., Indiana.1
     She also went by the nickname "Lizzie."1 She and Noah had the following known children, all born in Carroll Co., Indiana: Nettie (b 17 February 1894, d 18 March 1975), Marvin (b 24 July 1895, d 15 September 1967), Carl (b November 1899).3


  1. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, p. 103.
  2. [S1617] Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992. Record for Noah Wise and Lizzie Wagoner, FHL Film 2196190, Ref. No. 145.
  3. [S728] Ardelta Delores Wolfe Baker, Descendants of Leonard Wolf Sr. and Catharine Cripe, pp. 103,166,167.